Moving back to Lincoln County, likely moving in with my grandma and helping her with the farm. Doing a combination of lawn care, scrap metal, buy/selling for profit, etc… just like I do now, just on larger scale in the future. Probably a real job at Tractor Supply, the outdoor power equipment dealer, MJ electric, or VanDerGeest farms.
Well do you remember when I said this.............
With all due respect there is no way in hell you cannot tell there is not a dairy farm near you that needs help. The big boys like Foremost used to pay $20/hr. Since you are I believe 17 , the state regs might kick on there. I no longer get the Wisconsin Agri View paper so I am not sure who is hiring up there. I know here you could easily earn $15/hr and work as many hours as you want......over 60. That is in beef, hogs, and row crops as dairy is gone.
If you remember many times I have told you to get in touch with the Merrill FFA advisor. She will help you.
I worked with kids all my life and trust me I know what the hell I am talking about.
I am sorry if what I am going to say here seems rough and offensive but dammit it is the cold hard reality!
Ever since I started interacting with you I have told you that you needed to drop that online virtual school crap, go to
real school, enroll in Vocational Education courses, Agriculture and FFA. For whatever reason you still to this day think you are doing fine with the online school crap. You are just taking the easy path and trust me young man it will bite you in the arse and very, very soon.
Earlier today you said you were moving north. I provided information regarding the school district and their vocational offerings. You were still adamant that you were not going to enroll in school and just go online.
Why is it you want to go to online school?
Your reply floored me.
To save time and be around less people. I’ve been in it for 4 years now and I like it way better than public school. It takes way less time and it’s on my own schedule, I still manage all As and Bs for grades.
So your main objectives in life are to save time and not be around people? Well what are you saving time for, staying away from people and looking for junk? If you feel you can make a living not being around people you are in for a big surprise.
You should remember that I told you to stop wasting time this summer looking for junk such as that skid loader and spend the summer earning money. Since you mentioned VanDerGeest I did a bit of research. They are right in your area and yes indeed they will hire a kid at 16. I spoke with a very nice lady there today and in fact they have a 12 year old working there, albeit he is the son of an employee. I asked about Wisconsin laws regarding employment of folks under 18 and she said they were fine. I thought you would be fine at your age but she confirmed it.
Here is where your lack of enrolling in vocational classes and FFA is an issue and proves my point. She said someone with no experience (such as you) would begin at $7.25/hr. She also said they had just hired a 17 year old that had experience at $14/hr. Guess what he was in FFA. That should tell you something.
Probably should have been focused on education and skills instead of on saving time and avoiding people........
Of course it is not too late to change but it seems you are too stubborn to see it. For reasons I cannot understand you are dead-set on avoiding trades education and gaining real life work skills. I do not get that. That is your choice but I will tell you it will cost you in the end. Not everyone has to go to college but everyone needs an education and training to have a successful career. Scrapping and mowing yards provides neither. Now before you or someone else gets all steamed up yes indeed some folks do turning scraping into a business but it is rare. Yes some start out mowing yards and build it into a successful career. It is very possible but those folks are few and far between. I hate to tell you but real life is not a Gary Paulsen book.
Yes I read it to my sons many times