Does it idle "perfect" or is it labored or rough in any way? If you unplug a sensor while it's running it will typically stall. If you cycle the key it should restart(ses lamp will be on) and run. It may not run perfectly but atleast run. If the unplugged part was giving an erroneous resding, it should run better than when it was plugged in. MAF are notoriously junk on those vehicles. TPS could be wacking out too. IAT reading and ECT readings could off and messing with fuel trims too.
If you very carefully ease the throttle open does it instantly stall or will it pick up some rpms?
Dumb question, did you just get gas? How cold is it in your neck of the woods and is it parked outside? Could be a partially frozen/ restricted fuel line. Could be letting enough through to idle but no more.