Not a very productive day. The new supplied crankshaft bearings are caged. I'm disappointed. I clearly told that jackwagon I want full compliment. For those unfamiliar with this saw model, these saws use a needle crank bearings. Here's a pic of caged and full comp for comparison.
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I did chase threads on the case halves and start mounting stuff.
Thanks to Tim/Fossil for helping me with some oil pump diaphragm material and support and advice on this project.
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I learned something new today I didn't know about these saws. I haven't checked parts books to see if the is a s# break or what determines which plug any given saw would use. There seems to be early and late bore oil caps. I'm guessing early being smaller than late. As luck would have it, the random case half I used is for the small plug and I don't have any small plugs. A Briggs & Scrapiron oil cap kinda fits for now.
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I roughed out the carb mounting block.
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I'm Hoping Adam will finish it. He has agreed to do the porting. Adam has been the brains behind this project. My contribution has been to make it bolt together. I know nothing of porting at this time. It is something I hope to learn.