Pinnacle OPE Member

I bought a 2800 and was thinking of putting a bigger P & C on it. Aaron/Eccentric pointed out Ed/Arrowhead's thread and I have been studying the thread. I had planned on using the 2800 until recently. The 3450 has a wider case and more room in the carb/air filter area. I'll be better prepare to decide between the 2800 and the 3450 once I have the 3450 apart.Also, how does adding stroke affect the port timing? All of this is very interesting and I try to learn anything I can.
I like Ed's idea of using the MS380 magnum cylinder because it is such a large bore for a short stroke, the bolt pattern is small in relation to the bore and the transfers are closed at the bottom.
Port timing doesn't seem to change much. On the saw in this thread, the piston goes up .047" further and .047" further down. Between cutting squish and base, it can be moved where desired.
On the next project with 41.1 stroke, I'm using a piston and cylinder from a saw with 40mm stroke. That comes out to piston movement .021" further at each end(up and down).