I have found that some 066/660s like a 1/2" hole drilled in the back of the baffle, rather than fully removing it. Other 066/660s don't like it. I think it depends on the porting, but I can't explain. The more opened up muffler sounded more responsive when just piss revving it, but it the wood it did not have good torque.
Also, if we are talking about internal baffle, why does everyone remove the 460 baffle, it really does not seem to restrict anything? I have even thought of putting one on a 440/044 to see what happens.
My brothers 460 did not seem to like having the baffle removed, until I advanced the timing, then it seemed better.
I recently did an Asian 440 BB, and opened up the dp muff cover on that. Ended up replacing it with a un molested dp cover. I won't say there was any noticeable difference in performance, but with the opened up cover it sucked fuel like crazy! Maybe because the Transfer is a little high at 118?