If you have an engine that needs a fair bit of blowdown, it works quite well. The curvature of the top of the piston to the curvature of the exhaust port roof gives it the equivalent of about 2 degrees extra blowdown. So, if you have an engine with 12 degrees of blowdown, re-working the piston can make the engine think it has 14 degrees of blowdown. However, if you have an engine that already has good blowdown - there ain't nothing in it (just a lot of fiddly work).
The reason it works so well in those situations is that the opening is not only INSTANT , but it is even BIGGER than a flat opening. The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. The curvature on the piston is a curved line - it is LONGER.
The longer window upon opening is just like widening the port, it gives it more area to flow. The first part of the opening of the exhaust port is where most of the flow occurs as that is where the pressure differential is the greatest. I've read that most of the blowdown occurs in the first 10% of the port opening, but I've never been able to confirm that. However, considering the pressure differential, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.