On my 362 I noticed the strato butterfly doesn't open till like half throttle, while most others seem combined and open at the same time? Could that be used as variable port timing? If the thought has any merit I can try it this spring, while I wait for the woods to dry up.
( I'm thinking that the closed butterfly will negate the lost vacuum from an aggressive port timing)
I been scratching my head on that one for a quite a while thinking it limits spit back some and improves mid throttle grunt. It is one distinct change you can feel on the trigger compared to any carb on my 361 ported or not. The 362 carb saw is getting ported first, over done possibly, to see just how far one can go before cutting the base, the losses come or severely diminishing returns with down low losses.
The other question I found more interesting is this... asked earlier on page one.
How far can you go killing off base case time before the pressure losses start showing up at mid throttle on a 362 carb saw? I'd bet the Mtron saw covers up more than we think at part throttle to compensate for these "mistakes" if you will. The carb is not very forgiving on most saws. The Mtron is something I'm still learning to work with but the question remains the same. How low to go on base case time without losing too much pressure to feed this huge intake system compared to a non strato quad port?
Plenty of the stuff applied to other bigger bore saws limits your doings like dual ports are easier to fill on larger case volumes so less case time is possible with less losses to the transfers imo. Also the larger bores have a limit on compression more so than these smaller under 48mm bores. Heat becomes the enemy on the larger stuff.
Let me simplify that because we all know how well my thoughts come out in print :/
Edited at the witching hour
I want to drive the transfers up to the point of no returns then start filling in the intake floor to limit timing even farther but open up the the exhaust ports on the muffler and widen the exhaust without raising it. Then the squish goes at 15 base gasket delete only 51813 sealer with a matched case. Advanced ignition timing. Then start playing with the second throttle opening and the strato ports only but leave the rest alone at that point.
This was how I figured out the factory 361 complete intake system and air filter is a joke. Am still running all OEM parts on my saw nothing is aftermarket. The 362 HD filter seems more restricted than the old style. Both are terrible but not worse than a 361 filter

on a ported saw with a stock carb.