Super OPE Member

Picked up a new Husky Tool Chest from Home Depot the other day. Finally retiring the beat up battered Husky that I also bought from Home Depot, but 25 years ago.
Just got about all the majors in place. So nice. Plenty more room, the drawers auto close (Wow!), bigger casters, and just an all-around improvement.
Now that most things are in place and in the right place, I'm looking at all the misc crap. I've got some containers with lids for all the more common then completely misc, but for the truly misc I'm debating to just toss them into a junk box, or tossing them into the garbage. Some of it was a single purchase singular use, and some of it I don't even remember buying, using, or even sure what it is.
New Chest -->
On sale $298, marked down from $448. Damn good deal, that I could not pass up.

Just got about all the majors in place. So nice. Plenty more room, the drawers auto close (Wow!), bigger casters, and just an all-around improvement.
Now that most things are in place and in the right place, I'm looking at all the misc crap. I've got some containers with lids for all the more common then completely misc, but for the truly misc I'm debating to just toss them into a junk box, or tossing them into the garbage. Some of it was a single purchase singular use, and some of it I don't even remember buying, using, or even sure what it is.
New Chest -->
On sale $298, marked down from $448. Damn good deal, that I could not pass up.

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