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Logger Down - Helping costs you nothing


Thecallofthewildanswered1989-2017[PAID IN FULL!]
Local time
8:27 PM
User ID
Mar 15, 2019
Reaction score
I want to thank you all!
I broke my neck from C4 through to C7. I crushed the spacer between C6 & C7, and somehow C7 ended up on top of C6. I also fractured my lower back at L1 & L2. The lower back fractures are stable and did not require any medical care. M6 cervical fracture broke off bone on all vertebrae. The 7 hour surgery I went through had two separate parts. The first one, the Neuro Surgeon went in through the front of my neck and put C7 back below C6, then inserted a cage between them and fused them together. Then he turned me over and opened up the whole back of my neck and added plates, rods and screws to C4 through C7.

I expect a full recovery and to be cutting again by May.
wholly F_ck is that rough. I hate to say you are lucky. If you were lucky then you wouldn't have gotten busted up. Like I always said to people... " If I was so lucky then I wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place.
I know three Fallers that broke there neck all within a year or two. One hit a branch on a snowmobile. The other two it happens in the interior falling close/closed canopy and tops came back.
Beetle work and Seismic.
They all got back falling again.
I fell with one on Heli in Central BC coast a few yrs ago and he has some bad days.
Another guy I fell with dug himself from under a 28" boomstick. 15 broken bones punctured lung, ruptured splean ect.
He died twice on the table.
He is out there like nothing ever happened.
I hope for all the best for you Pat.
Did this happen in the snow in Idaho or up in the AK? Where you all cut in the SE?
POW for sure, I would imagine. How long you been on the circuit? must have worked for Columbia at some time eh?



Active OPE Member
Local time
1:27 PM
User ID
Jan 8, 2020
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Lewiston Idaho
wholly F_ck is that rough. I hate to say you are lucky. If you were lucky then you wouldn't have gotten busted up. Like I always said to people... " If I was so lucky then I wouldn't have gotten caught in the first place.
I know three Fallers that broke there neck all within a year or two. One hit a branch on a snowmobile. The other two it happens in the interior falling close/closed canopy and tops came back.
Beetle work and Seismic.
They all got back falling again.
I fell with one on Heli in Central BC coast a few yrs ago and he has some bad days.
Another guy I fell with dug himself from under a 28" boomstick. 15 broken bones punctured lung, ruptured splean ect.
He died twice on the table.
He is out there like nothing ever happened.
I hope for all the best for you Pat.
Did this happen in the snow in Idaho or up in the AK? Where you all cut in the SE?
POW for sure, I would imagine. How long you been on the circuit? must have worked for Columbia at some time eh?

I do count myself lucky for sure! I have been cutting since 1993. My Dad actually broke me in for Columbia Helicopters. I got hurt in Idaho on the 13th of Dec. Most of the cutting I do in An. Is on POW. Thanks for the well wishes pard!


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
4:27 PM
User ID
May 13, 2016
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I do count myself lucky for sure! I have been cutting since 1993. My Dad actually broke me in for Columbia Helicopters. I got hurt in Idaho on the 13th of Dec. Most of the cutting I do in An. Is on POW. Thanks for the well wishes pard!
Good heavens man! What in the world ran over you on Dec. 13? A D9?!


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
3:27 PM
User ID
Nov 2, 2017
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tulsa okla
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I want to thank you all!
I broke my neck from C4 through to C7. I crushed the spacer between C6 & C7, and somehow C7 ended up on top of C6. I also fractured my lower back at L1 & L2. The lower back fractures are stable and did not require any medical care. M6 cervical fracture broke off bone on all vertebrae. The 7 hour surgery I went through had two separate parts. The first one, the Neuro Surgeon went in through the front of my neck and put C7 back below C6, then inserted a cage between them and fused them together. Then he turned me over and opened up the whole back of my neck and added plates, rods and screws to C4 through C7.

I expect a full recovery and to be cutting again by May.
O M G ! sending well wishes from the blackgold. i am sorry for your bad back

K Mueller

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
12:27 PM
User ID
Jul 2, 2018
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Alaska, USA
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Sorry to hear about this and best wishes. Looking forward to seeing you back in the woods and some more cutting videos.

It’s cool to see you on the forums! I grew up on POW and I’m sure you worked with my dad Dave.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
3:27 PM
User ID
Feb 8, 2016
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Houston, TX.
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Pat, watched your “Hired Stihl Slinger” video years ago and ran across it again a few months ago. I was glad to see you had a bunch of new ones on there. Saw your latest one today a show about nothing. Keep up the videos brother lets see them saws when you have time. Hope you get to feelin better.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Locust Cutter

Air Force Redneck
Local time
3:27 PM
User ID
Jan 3, 2016
Reaction score
I want to thank you all!
I broke my neck from C4 through to C7. I crushed the spacer between C6 & C7, and somehow C7 ended up on top of C6. I also fractured my lower back at L1 & L2. The lower back fractures are stable and did not require any medical care. M6 cervical fracture broke off bone on all vertebrae. The 7 hour surgery I went through had two separate parts. The first one, the Neuro Surgeon went in through the front of my neck and put C7 back below C6, then inserted a cage between them and fused them together. Then he turned me over and opened up the whole back of my neck and added plates, rods and screws to C4 through C7.

I expect a full recovery and to be cutting again by May.

Whatever you do Brother, give your body the time it needs to heal. I have a fused L5-S1 Courtesy of the A.F, and will end up with L4-S1 and C4-C6 fused eventually. The recovery is a slow PITA, but don't rush it, or you'll regret it. God gave you more time, so don't eff it up with impatience. (Said by an inherently impatient person...) I love watching your vids, and will have to learn square eventually, but Osage Orange is a different animal, especially those that have been twisted by a tornado...

Prayers from Kansas!!