Of the smaller saws, I would go with a 171, it has an adjustable carb and flip caps for fuel and oil. Some of the smaller saws have gimmicks on them like easy start or tool-less chain tensoner, just more stuff to break. I have a Husky with the tool-less clutch cover and I don't like it, looking for a regular cover that needs bar nuts. If you choose to go larger, then I would choose the 250/251 over a 210/211 (more power). If you start leaning towards the pro saws, I would recommend a 261/261c, a 4 hp/50cc saw, 10 lbs, comes with an 18" but you can drop a 16" on it. You might be able to put a 14" on it, but will need to change out the rim sprocket to run 3/8 pico chain on it, the saw is light enough to limb, but enough power to buck larger firewood too if you need to.
Most of the time when people get smaller saws, they end up with buyers regret at not getting something bigger. Unless you already have a couple and are looking to fill a niche, then something to think about.