Just wanted to say I appreciate you all. I know dealing with my insanity takes from your sanity
I hope everyone has a good day! Todays project ms260 pro muffler mods(I'm doing multiple for someone) and hand cutting a crank case gasket. Yippy!!

Sadly The 260 is back with its owner and I'm terrible at taking picturesHave fun working on them there chainsaws. Be sure to post some pictures. We like pictures
Sadly The 260 is back with its owner and I'm terrible at taking picturesnot that I can't I just forget to. How do you download a video?? I did send him a video( althought I recorded it as a teaser video) you don't see anything but you hear it's first start up.
I'm Actually kinda proud on this build because it went through a through tear down then a good cleaning including completely cleaning fuel tank. I then I ported it, raised the upper transfers with....a Dremel cutt off wheel! Yes I know not a good way to do that. I do not have a right angle hand piece. I Spent about 5 hours cutting the base. Another improper technique, big piece of glass with various grits of sandpaper. I squared off the intake and slightly widened the exhaust then I reassembled it with all new rubber components(filters,fuel line, impulse line, oiler hoses,new carburetor parts) base gasket delete loctite 518 was the sealant i used for this one, deleted the decompression valve. All without a timing wheel.
Yes I know I took some bigger risks on this one. The videos I'm wanting to upload is it's first ignition. I didn't have the first 2 pulls recorded but that's when it burped 2 pulls from completely empty lines and then the 1 pull in the video and it fired up and almost had perfect idle. I hadn't even began touching the carburetor besides the 1 full turn from seated. The second is very short because I had just gotten a new cell phone and for some reason anything longer than 5 seconds was apparently too long to send in a text message.(I went from a Motorola I bought at Dollar general to a google pixel 6a and 5 seconds is too long?)
The picture without the cutt off wheel in it was not the finished port work. That picture was just after the initial cut. I cleaned it up with a diamond ball burr and slightly widened the lower transfers with a carbide burr while still maintaining the funnel effect. I cut enough of the lower transfers that the number 4 imprinted in the metal is no longer visible. These 2 pictures were taken on that cheap dollar general phone. Quality is kinda crummy.
I do have a question for you experienced porters. do all the pro line Stihls have such thick nicasil throughout the transfers? This one definitely did. View attachment 433100View attachment 433101
Just wanted to say I appreciate you all. I know dealing with my insanity takes from your sanity![]()
Yeah I'm definitely aware of all that. I had/have a back up OEM cylinder for this particular saw just in case. Degree wheel is on its way just you know how the postal service has been. Maybe?!? I know in my area it has become absolute *s-word. They dropped a package off on the ground right next to my mailbox on a rainy day. The package had cat litter in it.... So idk what's going on with the degree wheel it was supposed to be here 4 days ago.I'm not an experienced porter, so take what I say for what it's worth. I just dabble with it and try to learn from those that are professionals. There's plenty of them here.
Porting is all fun and games till you destroy a 200 dollar OEM cylinder. If it's someone else's cylinder it's that much worse!
I have nothing against sanding a base down. To do it right (as good as can be expected) it takes time, a flat piece and a caliper to take dimensions around the base in different location to make sure your taking the material off evenly.
Raising ports without a degree wheel is about like seeing your target, than closing your eyes and trying to aim and shoot. Then again, without a degree wheel you never even get to see your target. You're just blindly shooting in hopes of hitting. Get a degree wheel. You can get a setup for under 30 bucks.
Don't worry! I used to do it just like you! But, since being on here I've learned there's better ways.
The only way I know of to post videos is through YouTube....
It's like addiction admitting there a problem is the only way to fix it... I tired that they refused to take me in.Self-awareness is half the battle
I know dealing with my insanity takes from your sanity
Don't let that become a crutch. There are many here that have been where you are/were. The wisdom and experience here you will not find in many places. Lean on it and let them help. You are among friends here, and will be needed in the future to help others. You can get through this, if you truly want to.It's like addiction admitting there a problem is the only way to fix it... I tired that they refused to take me in.Something in the report about heaven doesn't want me and hell isn't ready for me.
Sanity is overrated.Don't worry, it went bye bye long ago!