The dyno is the ultimate equalizer. It gives us a much clearer picture / comparison between saws without having to worry about wood, chains, fuel, the position of the moon etc. I'm not throwing out the in wood testing, but the dyno results outrank the in wood results.
As far as I can see, oem vs am cylinders, the am's aren't THAT far behind after they have been ported.... and my conclusion to the test was that if you are going to cut squishband, then oem is the way to go... mainly because I don't like that lip of plating anyway. If you are not going to cut squish, then I can see prefering the hyway....very pretty plating all the way up to the top of the combustion chamber. So its either these two, or a $40 p&c from ebay if you are being super cheap.
I do think the intake tract has a significant effect on the power (according to Brad's in -wood tests ...8% faster), so going with a 359 intake is likely to yield significant gains.
another easy way to get gains, especially based on the dyno graphs is to open the muffler significantly... it helps.
I can tear one down pretty quick... yes