I used t have a Belgian made A5 20ga. It was a fixed modified and on the light end of modified... I probably shouldn't have sold it as it was a dandy quail gun, but I preferred more versatile fouling pieces. I have them in my 3.5" chamber 870 and my CZ Bobwhite 20ga. As both have interchangeable chokes, I can configure them for many purposes. If I get another shotgun, it will be either a 16ga in an A5, a L.C. Smith, or a W.W. Greener... A Kriegoff or BT99 with adjustable comb may also find it's way in my safe. I do like my late G.FI.L's BT99, but w/o an adjustable stock, it doesn't fit me very well. Trap scores aren't improved by a wandering gun to shooter fitment...