Please explain to me about these “subsidies”..
I’d like to know how to get one..
If you are a farmer, go to your local FSA office and they will walk you through all the ways, to get "free" government money, each and every year. That's how it's done out here. There's a ton of different programs, that benefit farmers, some of which depend on how good a crop they have, some depend on how much ground you have and what crops you plant, and other programs as well. Not even crop insurance, but actual Government payouts, on top of insurance payments, in the event a crop doesn't produce.
Please note, I know nothing about you, so if you are a farmer, I hope you don't take what I'm saying as a personal attack, and that goes for anyone else on here, who may farm. I think the agriculture system in America, like most other Government regulated industries, is broken. When only 20% of a farm bill, is actually farm related, that's an issue.
Crop insurance is BS, only because it encourages people to plant high risk crops.
As far as govt giving money to a farmer, I really need to know what program that is, cuz I want some of this money..
Problem is, I can’t find any of it.
You are right about crop insurance, 100% Here's a little story about a farmer around here I know. The guy was given his start from his father, who was given his start from his father, in farming, by the way of handing him a half section, in the early 80's. So handed a start, free and clear. (very common around here)
Long story short, he was leveraged to the max after awhile, somewhere in the neighborhood of 1.5 million. So his banker, actually his 5th banker, because the others wouldn't give him any more money, so he switched, made him have crop insurance on every crop he planted and then would make him over farm the ground, by making him have it constantly have a crop on it. He would plant corn or feed, harvest that, if the insurance told him to, or chop it up into silage to feed to cattle, then plant to wheat right away, so he could get another crop the next year. No summer fallow, at all, ever.
Out here, our ground can't recover that fast or easy, so after a few years, the ground is too diminished to produce anything, but he was so far into the banker, the banker made him plant for the insurance money, so they would have money coming in to pay the interest on the loans, so he could keep giving him his operating loan. Then he would double dip and hit the FSA office, and get his subsidy check, because his crops didn't produce. He was farming for the insurance check, knowing that the ground wouldn't produce a crop.
That's how this particular farmer make's his money, and that is common, unfortunately. PS He drives a brand new King Ranch twin turbo f250, and gets a new one every 2 years. His wife drives a brand new SUV and trades often, his kids are in their 30's and more than taken care of and the only people I've seen vacation more than them, is celebrities. While their home isn't new, I'd hate to see how much they've spent on furnishing and remodeling that house. I guarantee they spent more on living room furniture, than I spent on my house.
And no, I'm not talking about CRP programs. IMO, that's nothing more than the gov, trying to manipulate crop prices, by controlling, how much farm ground is being planted. I don't think it has squat to do with erosion control, or whatever they say it's for.
Sorry for the novel folks! Lol This is that long winded thing again.