Well, he told me that after two guys running it continuously for 8 hours, 4 cords of elm, it was leaking some at the valve, which he said he tightened. Then the next day he said the filter had come loose and lost a bunch of fluid, and asked where I kept the extra bucket. I sent a text explaining I'd bought this for my own firewood, not for commercial firewood production, and if it got broken someone was going to have to get it fixed or come split my firewood by hand. He said he started running it only a few hours at a time, and that it worked fine. There is a slow seep at the valve, and the ram connection to the wedge is now wet, but not dripping. Both were not present before he started borrowing it. I'm trying to not be a prick about it, but tearing up other people's equipment is a problem for me. I will let him know he needs to find another splitter to use, and that if our arrangement is contingent on letting him tear up my stuff I'm not interested. He didn't bother to even knock the thick caked dust off the AF of my 026 he had, until I pointed out this is a necessary part of the process. This is an observed pattern of behavior.