Personally, I can see both points of view here. In my previous statement about mine being borrowed and coming back with a broken muffler, in actuality the muffler wasn't his fault, nor was a broken fitting that happened later. If these things had happened under my watch I would have fixed them and moved on. What irritated me about mine was the fact that it was used without my permission.I am a little confused. Your "business associate borrowed it to try to turn this enormous pile of logs amassed over the year of tree work into firewood". Are you partners on the wood being processed? Is the wood yours? Is the wood his? Are you good friends? You knew there was an "enormous pile of logs" but you don't want your splitter used for "commercial firewood production"---doesn't make sense to loan the splitter.
Regardless of 8 hours of splitting elm, the splitter should not be leaking from the valve. Unless he accidentally dropped a log on the valve, I don't see how the leak could be his fault. Unless he loosened the filter on purpose, I don't see how the loose filter could be his fault. If the cylinder is leaking, I don't see how it could be his fault. Splitters are built to take some abuse; but, sometimes chit just happens.
Maybe you should thank him for finding the faults while you are within the first year. DHT is well known for exceptional service and standing behind their product. If you think he is actually "abusing" your equipment then don't let him use it again; and I wouldn't blame you. Personally, if at all possible, I would not let a broken machine come between a friendship.
Now that's an idea. He and I do tree work together, and he does teach me the technique of that. However, I believe I can point out that I'd used this only two times prior to his borrowing it on four or five occasions, and he brought it back leaking, and that further if he wishes to tear stuff up, he's free to do that with his own stuff. He does not bother to maintain his own saws very well, either.
AFAIK, in KS, you can get 1 either sex and up to 4 additional doe tags, but that may vary by unit. I generally get one or two tags as that's all that will be eaten, with some being given away. The boss is wild about venison (though She grew up on a farm) and the kids go back and forth...So do you only get a limit of two in Missouri?
HI DAN!!!!!!
Looks like you delivered them in Australia..
I have to agree a bit with both Steve and Hinerman... Splitters are generally designed to have a good amount of hard use, BUT, abuse is different. I'm honestly not sure sure how many cords of Wood that Dad and I have split on the old 35 ton Speeco, but it's probably north of 100. The toe plate is now bent, the exhaust has come loose once, I've blown 2 supply hoses and 3 return hoses and rebuilt the recoil start once. BUT, given it's usage and price-point (versus the actual Pro stuff), I can't complain. Having said that, there are only 4 people I'd loan either of the splitters or any of the saws to and one of them is Dad. I am incredibly picky about that as with money being tight, all of these investments have come very deliberately with much sweat equity on our part. I will happily go lend someone a hand with my equipment, but not lend it out and I've always been upfront about that. I did make the mistake awhile back of trying to be a friend and letting a former neighbor borrow a 6' deck diesel mower. It was returned un-ceremoniously, with massive combustion blow-by and likely heavily damaged rings. It will cost more to rebuild it than to find a running take out and swap the engines (still not cheap) and he will not even answer the phone to tell me what the hell happened, much less offer to even help fix it. But, he also walked out on his wife and kids, after cheating on her, 3 days after he returned my mower and moved back to Northern KS... Some day he and I might have a "chat" behind a barn...
From the sounds of it, you had a few issues with your unit that needed some hard use to find, so while incredibly frustrating, he did you a favor. I would suggest rather than blowing up at Him, (which is in my nature as well), that if He's going to "borrow" your splitter again, you be there to "help" out. Then you can ensure that it's being used responsibly, without endangering the deal of getting the knowledge you're looking for. Then again, most of the people I've ever met who were good at a trade, took pretty darn good care of their tools. This may be an indicator of his work ethic and the quality of education that he's able to give you. Just a thought.
AFAIK, in KS, you can get 1 either sex and up to 4 additional doe tags, but that may vary by unit. I generally get one or two tags as that's all that will be eaten, with some being given away. The boss is wild about venison (though She grew up on a farm) and the kids go back and forth...
HI DAN!!!!!!
I have yet to take my splitter to a charity cut where I didn't break something..
I whip that thing like a rented mule.
I have yet to take my splitter to a charity cut where I didn't break something..
I whip that thing like a rented mule.
Nuthin a loader tractor and welder and some more pieces of scrap iron couldn't fix.IKR!!! I have actually felt bad for you,,,,for about 2 seconds, LOL.
How do you NOT abuse a splitter? Especially if you are splitting elm, sycamore, sweet gum, etc.; but that is what it is made for.
Quality is job Xiang...Morning midlanders!
Take my list to Jack Horner’s for 200t parts again. [emoji37]
Random unsuitable parts from Farmertec.
Cuts into my profit margin it does. [emoji90]
For the amount of use (and constant modifications) of my splitter, I've actually had very few problems out of it. It had a Harbor Freight 6hp engine on it for a long time. That engine vibrated so bad that it cracked the block on one side. About a 3 inch long crack. I repaired the crack with Sealall. Really, just made it a 2 week oil leak instead of a 2 hour leak. I remedied the vibration by mounting the engine on rubber pads. But that vibration is what caused the muffler to break off. I had a line fitting crack on it, too. Talk about spraying hydraulic fluid. And that fitting crack was a design flaw on my part. It's since been taken care of. I've replaced the Harbor Freight engine with a 9hp Briggs using a belt to drive the pump. We'll see how that arrangement works out, I've still yet to put it through its paces.