Good morning!
I managed to get the new trailer backed into our driveway yesterday; I sure like the blind spot mirrors that let me see the wheels in relation to the 8" high curbs on our street. Original stone curbs are way cool, but not terribly forgiving for trailers. In '95 I got out the saw and gave myself an extra foot or so of driveway width because my lawn trailer was a PITA to back in daily. Probably violated all kinds of city ordinance, but it sure helps. Glad I didn't get the 20 footer, I'd still be out there going back and forth. I thought my little back driveway would hold it, but instead, my planned project for that space just got bumped way up the list! It goes on and on, it seems. City living in cramped spaces.
Got a couple of hedge trees to cut down the other day. Former teaching buddy south of Topeka wants them out. He'll pay me a bit for doing it, but heck I'd do it for the wood, esp. if I don't have to transport the brush offsite. One of them is a big 'un. Maybe a cord and a half of botanical coal in there, but I am not experienced in judgiubg that. All I know is I'll get a workout, run some saws, a bit of climbing, and my favorite firewood. Chain grinder in my future?
Hope your Sunday is good. The Primate and the Queen just found a pair of dinosaur head Crocs® online..