Every year the flu shot becomes less and less effective, because every organism in the universe possesses the Genesis gene which encourages, no demands, that not only will that organism live, but it will thrive. We see that play out with insects and weeds that overcome our strongest chemicals to live and flourish and the same holds true for viruses. Medical sciences belief in antibiotics, flu shots and remedies does two things well, makes viruses stronger and the human immune system weaker. Science is killing farming through soil degradation and our species, along with many other species with immune degradation. We know we can do these things, but as the saying goes "should we". In
The Wrath of Khan (1982), Spock says, “Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.” We could say that if more people perished from the flu that it might save our entire species and that trying to save the few jeopardizes the existence of the entire human race. We also see this same scenario play out in politics in which one party promises everything to all people but cannot deliver anything to anyone without taking everything from another half of the population. Today our liberal society is creating men that are not men, women that are not women and children that have no childhood. A lion is a lion only if he stays a lion and does what a lion does. If he fails to operate within this paradigm he either goes extinct or becomes a house cat.