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Dumb things your friends do with saws

460 magnum

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
9:03 PM
User ID
Apr 26, 2016
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Very southern Illinois
Got a guy that I sharpen chains for occasionally and he wont stop using one till it is smoking. This last time he brings his 2 saws in 291 and a 029. The 291 has one of them carbide chins that is ruined and the 029 has a chain with about half life of the (normal) chain but it was so rocked and burnt I tell him he needs a new chain, but that's not the worst of it. The 029 carb is so far out adjustment it wont run the high screw is turned all the way in and the low was just on enough to start but not idle. I get it adjusted and tell him what was going on he responds with I thought it wasn't running right.


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
9:03 PM
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Jan 16, 2018
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I have fueled saw on back of truck and forgot to put caps on! Throw on shoulder to go back in woods! Makes for an oil day! How many admit to gas in oil tank or vice-versa? Or all you guys Perfecto?
Done that thing 9 years ago :nono::smash2: poured both into p'butter jar learned me good

I Know Something

Super OPE Member
Local time
9:03 PM
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Dec 23, 2018
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Fairmont, Minnesota
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I have fueled saw on back of truck and forgot to put caps on! Throw on shoulder to go back in woods! Makes for an oil day! How many admit to gas in oil tank or vice-versa? Or all you guys Perfecto?
I had a buddy drop off a saw he got at a garage sale. $5 for it. He's on my porch talking to me and b.sing. I'm laughing. During this I got the gas and oil in the wrong tanks. Lol. Only time I've done that.
Local time
10:03 PM
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Dec 24, 2017
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I have a friend who is the most ham fisted sumbitch I have ever met. He literally broke a 395 wrap handle yanking on it. The handle itself snapped off, mounts were fine. Same guy has ripped gas tanks clear off of saws, bends bars on the regular, pulled bar studs out of the case by over tightening, broke the clutch cover so used a couple washers in lieu to hold the bar and kept cutting, was too cheap to buy a climbing saw so he would buy the cheapest Lowes Husqy he could find and climb with it (until he dropped it or threw it out of the tree). Great guy, easy going and gentle with his kids; destroys chainsaws like its his job.
Local time
10:03 PM
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Dec 24, 2017
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Note to self...
Don't let him borrow and chainsaws. Or any tools...

I lent him (forced him to use it as its safer than a damn rear handle in a tree) an Echo 355T (he is still in NC) and he LOVES it! Its always tied off and never lets it get dull. Funny thing is that he is super careful with my stuff. While I was working on his 394 I lent him a 288 and it came back in perfect condition, he even sharpened the chain before dropping it off.


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
10:03 PM
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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I don't have any friends wif saws.....[emoji16]
Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 12.47.41 AM.png
I have fueled saw on back of truck and forgot to put caps on! Throw on shoulder to go back in woods! Makes for an oil day! How many admit to gas in oil tank or vice-versa? Or all you guys Perfecto?
Pretty sure I've done that once, I can't remember whether it was on a 200t, or a 372 I sold:pancarta:.
I don't look at any of it as being stupid. The average person knows nothing about a chainsaw. Why would they ?

I could make some people feel really stupid if I took them to work with me for a day. Even guys on this forum...

Just like they could make me look stupid if they took me to their place of employment...
Cmon were trying to feel good about ourselves here :thumbsup:.

Wood Doctor

Local time
9:03 PM
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Feb 9, 2016
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Omaha, Nebraska
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(1) Drive over a 36" bar with a skid loader. Here's the result:
Bent Chain Saw Bar.jpg (2) Drive over an MS 661C with a pickup truck. Lost the chain brake, outer handle, most of the plastic, and here's the tank housing:
Stihl MS 661C Tank Housing.jpg Somehow I rebuilt the saw. It runs today.


Dr. Richard Cranium
Local time
10:03 PM
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Dec 29, 2015
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Strong Island NY
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Took down 3 trees with my buddy who was the catalyst for this thread.

He decided to try and start my 044/46/272 hybrid. Bit him, and he’s a big dude. Almost pulled the bar into his head. Then I let him run it, guy won’t apply any bar pressure to a saw. Explain what the dawgs do and how to use them.

Then I get “Can you tighten up the chain on the 026 you gave me?” He kept trying to adjust it without opening the bar nuts. I show him again. Then I go through tuning with him, again, because his ported 026 is tuned to around 8K out of wood.

Next is the 1/4” clothesline type rope he buys to pull a tree that’s a leaner away from his house. I had to argue with him a bit, and he finally accepted that 1/4” steel cable might be a better idea.

Then, he decides to tell me that he used a ladder to limb a tree, fell with a saw, and the moving chain landed a few inches from his neck.

This guy is actually a master electrician and a tradesman all of his life. I’m not sure why the saw stuff and safety stuff I’m trying to teach him isn’t sticking.

At least I got him to buy Trufuel 40:1 for his saws. It seemed like the safest move after he toasted his newish MS250. I’ll be adding a piston to it this fall.


Dr. Richard Cranium
Local time
10:03 PM
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Dec 29, 2015
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Strong Island NY
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This is what he wanted to use vs. what we used.

Told me another buddy that does “A lot or tree work” said him holding the rope and pulling on the tree would be fine.

I had to explain that the 50’ tall 20” base red oak was more than 1000# and that rope wasn’t gonna do it. He finally agreed to using cable and the skid steer to pull the tree the way it needed to go.

0BC2C020-F7F8-43ED-8180-5F65991EA3CC.jpeg 0CFE9DB8-F21C-4EDF-8416-0FA524EC31D6.jpeg


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
10:03 PM
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Jun 25, 2016
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Grand Rapids Mi
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This is what he wanted to use vs. what we used.

Told me another buddy that does “A lot or tree work” said him holding the rope and pulling on the tree would be fine.

I had to explain that the 50’ tall 20” base red oak was more than 1000# and that rope wasn’t gonna do it. He finally agreed to using cable and the skid steer to pull the tree the way it needed to go.

View attachment 196708 View attachment 196709
That first one looks nicer on the hands though lol.

MG porting

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
7:03 PM
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Jun 28, 2018
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Took down 3 trees with my buddy who was the catalyst for this thread.

He decided to try and start my 044/46/272 hybrid. Bit him, and he’s a big dude. Almost pulled the bar into his head. Then I let him run it, guy won’t apply any bar pressure to a saw. Explain what the dawgs do and how to use them.

Then I get “Can you tighten up the chain on the 026 you gave me?” He kept trying to adjust it without opening the bar nuts. I show him again. Then I go through tuning with him, again, because his ported 026 is tuned to around 8K out of wood.

Next is the 1/4” clothesline type rope he buys to pull a tree that’s a leaner away from his house. I had to argue with him a bit, and he finally accepted that 1/4” steel cable might be a better idea.

Then, he decides to tell me that he used a ladder to limb a tree, fell with a saw, and the moving chain landed a few inches from his neck.

This guy is actually a master electrician and a tradesman all of his life. I’m not sure why the saw stuff and safety stuff I’m trying to teach him isn’t sticking.

At least I got him to buy Trufuel 40:1 for his saws. It seemed like the safest move after he toasted his newish MS250. I’ll be adding a piston to it this fall.
Sounds like you had a few moments to tell the guy not to quit his day job and leave the tree stuff for the pro's.


Super OPE Member
Local time
9:03 PM
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Jan 22, 2016
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NW Louisiana, USA
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Took down 3 trees with my buddy who was the catalyst for this thread.

He decided to try and start my 044/46/272 hybrid. Bit him, and he’s a big dude. Almost pulled the bar into his head. Then I let him run it, guy won’t apply any bar pressure to a saw. Explain what the dawgs do and how to use them.

Then I get “Can you tighten up the chain on the 026 you gave me?” He kept trying to adjust it without opening the bar nuts. I show him again. Then I go through tuning with him, again, because his ported 026 is tuned to around 8K out of wood.

Next is the 1/4” clothesline type rope he buys to pull a tree that’s a leaner away from his house. I had to argue with him a bit, and he finally accepted that 1/4” steel cable might be a better idea.

Then, he decides to tell me that he used a ladder to limb a tree, fell with a saw, and the moving chain landed a few inches from his neck.

This guy is actually a master electrician and a tradesman all of his life. I’m not sure why the saw stuff and safety stuff I’m trying to teach him isn’t sticking.

At least I got him to buy Trufuel 40:1 for his saws. It seemed like the safest move after he toasted his newish MS250. I’ll be adding a piston to it this fall.

That is just unreal how stupid some people can be; it's a wonder they make it to adulthood, much less through it.