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Does Anyone Know What Brand This Jug Is?

Stihl working Hard

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Feb 6, 2016
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Perth Australia
I torn down an MS460 for port work.......found a Chinese top end on it. I don't port aftermarket top ends......the quality just varies too wildly. Anyhow, this thing is the cheapest piece of crap I've seen yet.

View attachment 31197
After about an hour of run time......the plating is peeling off around the ports.

View attachment 31198
I think it says crap in Chinese :( .Randy will all plating flake off around the ports is it the jug material or the plating or both

Black Dog Chainsaw

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Jan 8, 2016
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Indianola, IA
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You might be right sir. I've already pitched it in the trash though. My worst fear is having a piston explode ruining the case, crank, etc. I trust Meteor pistons, or OEM. I have no faith in any others.
Episan pistons??? Thought they were right up there in quality?
I think it says crap in Chinese :( .Randy will all plating flake off around the ports is it the jug material or the plating or both
Bad plating job makes it flake. But if you have bad plating you probably don't have the best Al casting either.

Hyway used to have some good stuff but it seems like their quality has taken a severe turn for the worse. Would seem like most P&C sets could be made in OEM quality for $150-$175 pretty easily. I know Husky is down to $200/set practically but their pistons are still high priced.

And not to have any differing opinions but the Cross Performance seem to be pretty nice for the price. I have a couple out there running in friends/neighbors saws just to test out power and reliability right now. They usually run them 50-100hrs a year so we should know by next fall when I crack them open for a look what's going on. I also like that they come with Cabers.

Back to the story at hand... Good for your guy choosing OEM parts Randy! AND three cheers for our service men and women!!!


Free Range Human in a Tax Farm
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My brother bought an 044 a while back.
Turned up and and had big problems even though being advertised as low use and just serviced

I ended up with the case split and it was a saw put together from bits.
Used case gasket installed dirty and had bits of dirty compressed into it.
Crank seals hit in with the sharp end of a flat blade screwdriver and were bent
Nice OEM cylinder but cheap Chinese piston of unknown brand
Incorrect clutch drum which had destroyed the oil pump worm gear......... the list goes on.

I got it going for him.

He works FIFO from remote mine sites and is never home and the saw lives in my garage.
I think I will open it up. lightly port it, put a better piston in it and give it some use.

Are the Episan pistons OK?
I have read they are but not used one yet.

Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
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Guess this is good a place as any to make a report on the two AM cylinders that were compared in the saw builds thread. I labeled them A & B so their trade names would not reflect on the outcome, then again nobody cared enough to ask either. Which tells you a little bit about AM parts reputation.
So I had ordered a Farmer-tec P&C from China for a 254 as there are not a lot of options out there for it, meanwhile I did the Next best AM cylinder thread and turned out people liked Cross and what do you know but HL had a new arrival of one from them, so I ordered it up, still waiting for the slow boat from China to show. The Cross Performance showed up first and my initial reaction was, well its OK. Then the Farmer-tec showed and it actually looked better. Surely it would not be up to the standard of the Cross or would it? With a degree wheel set up both were compared to the original Mahle. Now on the box from Cross it says "meets or exceeds OEM specifications". This did not prove so but once again the Farmer-tec did. Next pistons were compared and measured, the Cross piston had a very thick window at the top and was noticeably heavier because of it. Again Farmer-tec measured very close to the Mahle, as did the pin to top measurement a few thousandths more, cross several thousandths less.
What put all this over the top was the Cross cylinder had misaligned (not on a horizontal plane, really not even close) bolt holes for the intake and exhaust. There was some minor pitting in the casting not a big deal, also big lumps in the intake port that were just weird as well as the flanges were not machined flat to make a good seal of the gasket mating surfaces(easily correctable with a flat file though)
The Farmer-tec had nice machined flanges and very smooth clean and uniform ports, had a nice bright overall look to it. The machining on the piston was a tad rougher than the Cross but that's not necessarily a bad thing as oil retention is OK too. Surely I thought the ring is beat by Cross using the Caber and it did look superior. Still was not used in favor of the (believed to be) less hard Farmer-tec, as its owner made that choice, he would rather change rings than cylinders, even though the Caber is a superior ring, it didn't make the final cut either.
So the ill famed Farmer-tec ended up being the preferred choice. I was to say the least pretty disappointed in the Cross that I was so sure would be the hot ticket. I did root for it the whole way through and did not give up on it until the bitter end. Finally had to reconcile with the fact that, it is what it is.
It bothered me a bit to write this up, I really did think it would turn out the other way around than what it did. Was this just a fluke from Cross? Don't know, others seem happy with there product. Was it a fluke from Farmer-tec as well? I would like to think that company is getting its manufacturing affairs in order and putting out better product. There's probably more people that have slammed this product, than have praised it. I can only hazard to speculate on the whole hit and miss situation that seems to prevail. Surely a culture that prides itself in being able to copy anything would be the best their is at it, maybe there is something in that same culture that allows mistakes to go out the door, instead of the do over pile. We may never understand.
The only lesson I can take away from this is, just keep ordering, eventually you'll get a good one!


Muh fingers look really big
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Dec 31, 2015
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Guess this is good a place as any to make a report on the two AM cylinders that were compared in the saw builds thread. I labeled them A & B so their trade names would not reflect on the outcome, then again nobody cared enough to ask either. Which tells you a little bit about AM parts reputation.
So I had ordered a Farmer-tec P&C from China for a 254 as there are not a lot of options out there for it, meanwhile I did the Next best AM cylinder thread and turned out people liked Cross and what do you know but HL had a new arrival of one from them, so I ordered it up, still waiting for the slow boat from China to show. The Cross Performance showed up first and my initial reaction was, well its OK. Then the Farmer-tec showed and it actually looked better. Surely it would not be up to the standard of the Cross or would it? With a degree wheel set up both were compared to the original Mahle. Now on the box from Cross it says "meets or exceeds OEM specifications". This did not prove so but once again the Farmer-tec did. Next pistons were compared and measured, the Cross piston had a very thick window at the top and was noticeably heavier because of it. Again Farmer-tec measured very close to the Mahle, as did the pin to top measurement a few thousandths more, cross several thousandths less.
What put all this over the top was the Cross cylinder had misaligned (not on a horizontal plane, really not even close) bolt holes for the intake and exhaust. There was some minor pitting in the casting not a big deal, also big lumps in the intake port that were just weird as well as the flanges were not machined flat to make a good seal of the gasket mating surfaces(easily correctable with a flat file though)
The Farmer-tec had nice machined flanges and very smooth clean and uniform ports, had a nice bright overall look to it. The machining on the piston was a tad rougher than the Cross but that's not necessarily a bad thing as oil retention is OK too. Surely I thought the ring is beat by Cross using the Caber and it did look superior. Still was not used in favor of the (believed to be) less hard Farmer-tec, as its owner made that choice, he would rather change rings than cylinders, even though the Caber is a superior ring, it didn't make the final cut either.
So the ill famed Farmer-tec ended up being the preferred choice. I was to say the least pretty disappointed in the Cross that I was so sure would be the hot ticket. I did root for it the whole way through and did not give up on it until the bitter end. Finally had to reconcile with the fact that, it is what it is.
It bothered me a bit to write this up, I really did think it would turn out the other way around than what it did. Was this just a fluke from Cross? Don't know, others seem happy with there product. Was it a fluke from Farmer-tec as well? I would like to think that company is getting its manufacturing affairs in order and putting out better product. There's probably more people that have slammed this product, than have praised it. I can only hazard to speculate on the whole hit and miss situation that seems to prevail. Surely a culture that prides itself in being able to copy anything would be the best their is at it, maybe there is something in that same culture that allows mistakes to go out the door, instead of the do over pile. We may never understand.
The only lesson I can take away from this is, just keep ordering, eventually you'll get a good one!
It's a crapshoot. My FTec top end is flawless, yet I've seen others on here that don't even look to be made in the same facility. If I ordered 10 more, I'm sure there would be some or many that weren't up to par. I've also seen other reputable members prefer Cross over Hyway. It's just their experience with each. The best p/c from each rival that of oem. The worst from each rival a tuna can and a garbage container.

Stump Shot

Disciple of Monkey's
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Jun 5, 2016
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It's a crapshoot. My FTec top end is flawless, yet I've seen others on here that don't even look to be made in the same facility. If I ordered 10 more, I'm sure there would be some or many that weren't up to par. I've also seen other reputable members prefer Cross over Hyway. It's just their experience with each. The best p/c from each rival that of oem. The worst from each rival a tuna can and a garbage container.

I just had high expectations for the Cross. Guess it comes down to they have Monday mornings and Friday afternoons in China as well. Just have to find the Tuesday through Thursday P&C's. Ha-ha.

Edit: That and the Cross cost two and a half times as much money as the Farmer-tec. Which warranted a bit of expectation, I would suppose.

Edit 2: Cross does provide P&C's for older equipment that a lot of others do not, there has to be something said for that. For the record I will use them again in the future.
Last edited:


I’m a face down ass up guy
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Just send me an address.

Tracy ran a hybrid I built for several years. It had a Meteor top end. He actually wore a piston out, and the jug was still spotless.

Also, remember......I won the 066 deal with a New West jug and a Meteor piston.
Is that the one you sent to me to port for you?!? :zpong:

Black Dog Chainsaw

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Jan 8, 2016
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Indianola, IA
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unfamiliar with New West cylinder... might be a stupid question but how else am i going to learn... Where are they made? good/bad quality?


Chief Cat Herder
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unfamiliar with New West cylinder... might be a stupid question but how else am i going to learn... Where are they made? good/bad quality?

I've never seen another one. Wiggs gave it to me. Then I beat him with it. LOL


Pinnacle OPE Member
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Dec 20, 2015
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With AM they could come from any of many factories that produce them and be boxed any brand as well so you could end up with good or bad .

As someone said ........it's a crap shoot ...........


Free Range Human in a Tax Farm
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Jan 16, 2016
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I used a cross 076 top end recently
Cylinder was fantastic
Piston was ordinary with half sized piston windows and I had to grind out the inside to get it to fit over the rod end.

jacob j.

Lord of Cargo Pants
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Some members find really minty looking Saws . Then wreck the Saws by throwing Chinese garbage parts in the minty Saws.

Do you have direct experience with this? Because that hasn't been my experience at all.


Chief Cat Herder
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Some members find really minty looking Saws . Then wreck the Saws by throwing Chinese garbage parts in the minty Saws.

Some people do that. I see it pretty often.
Do you have direct experience with this? Because that hasn't been my experience at all.

I don't think he means members of this forum. I've seen the same out of "some members" of the saw community, but not from our forum.