Wow, good question, very hard for me to answer honestly....
I had hand filed for ever, until as you know months ago I got the grinder....I am sure you will believe me when I say that I really did put in a lot of effort to learn the grinder.....I also practiced a lot and luckily guys like you,
@Sierrawoodsman, and others answered all of my questions and steered me in the right direction!!!!
I really believe that a grinder can turn out a chain that cuts as fast and holds an edge as long as hand-filing....yes, I know that's a big I am talking about working chains that are for tree guys or firewood, not a chain that you use a stopwatch for....
I wish I could just say one or the other, but for me they both have there particular times were one method will shine over the other!!!!
No sir, I have not used the cleaning stick yet, they still look like they did when i opened the box.....also I don't sharpen as many chains as you do....