Well-Known OPE Member
First off let me say, good for you sir.....I know it takes a lot to post pics of you work and tell people you are open to criticism, I know because I am the same way my friend....I learned along time if you want to learn/get good at something, leave your ego and pride at the door!!!!
Now as far as the tooth you pictured, good job, maybe next time just don't go quite as deep....I sometimes use a pass or two(depending on gullet condition), to strictly clean out the gullets......I can't wait to hear how it cuts!!!!
As far as the video, I also use the tap-tap method...however, i usually use about 3-6 taps, depending on the condition of the chain....if roughly 3-6 taps with the wheel don't get the tooth we're I want it, I just go to the next tooth and plan on doing another pass....
One more thing, I am constantly "tweaking" my technique.....I am always trying new things...see how that chain cuts, then if it works good(I bet it will), remember your can always, "go less/more deep into the gullet" for example and change things as you go....also don't forget to "check" the rakers!
Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it.
Do you only use 3-6 taps at a time to avoid overheating the tooth? Can you tell from the video if it looks like I'm putting too much heat into it? Is that something you can even see, meaning can it be overheated and not change color, or is a color change really the only time it is too hot?
As for the depth, I guess I need to adjust my expectations of what the tooth should look like. I started shallow and after a couple teeth, I decided to go deeper. Where the outside edge is, it looked like there was a hump just below the main cutting point. I thought I had a picture of this, but I can't find it. I need to go back and look at yours and others pictures again.
Does going too deep just weaken the tooth? Is there a chance of bending or shearing a tooth due to the depth? Or does it just cause them to wear quicker?
I'm planning on getting out Wednesday to drop an ash tree and get it cut up. I'll post pictures of my first chains with some wear on them to show how they are holding up.
Thanks again, this forum is going to make me much better!