The mostly annual Pacific Northwest GTG will be taking place between the 10th to the 13th of June. There will be a couple of work crews a bit before. The location is just East of Springfield, Oregon about 13 miles from inter State 5. We are right on the Mckenzie River and have room for all types of camping. Lots of wood all sizes, all saws are welcome. We have a throwing axe target, climbing trees, cooking area, fire pit (sometimes called the B/S place), and an outdoor shower with hot and cold water. We have a GREAT bunch of regulars and each year we have added some TERRIFIC newcomers! You can watch this spot for more information as the time gets closer, check other saw sites for our postings, and/or go to our Facebook page. (Pacific Northwest GTG) There you can see pictures of past GTGs. Before closing I would like to point out to those of us who like the Hot Saws this GTG has plenty and is also the home of the current PNW Wild Thing Champ!!!