I don't know much at all about carbs, but I will tell you that I have a CFB Hybrid, and we tried several carbs on it but could not get it to 4 stroke till we put one with a 70 jet on it (I believe it is a HD-14 if memory serves me right … the NLA ones for the heated handle saws).
Now I'm just guessing … and I've been known to be wrong with some of my guesses … but if I had to guess the Hp of my Hybrid I would say close to 8 +/-.
DEET's comments on the transfers is very intriguing. I think most folks tried to increase "case capacity" on the Hybrids, to be more like a 460, but he seems to have gone in the other direction. Very fascinating!
But both saws have carbs modified to increase flow … that says something right there. My carb is all stock.
I guess the thing I'm pondering now is do higher RPMs require less of a venture to pull the correct amount of fuel, or said another way, will a stock venture get "too rich" with higher PRMs and cut the performance short?