What's the cats meow on 325 chain these days? Stihl is to dang high and I've used LGX & LPX. Both seem to be reasonably fast.
That leaves the X-CUT to try, but it's got a high bumper in the SP33 but not in their 3/8" pitch.
Joe , on the price of stihl chain. I watch on Ebay and when it's in the area of less than $400.00 , I will buy.
I am not rich by no means. I have been making my own chain for over
Twenty years of more. I get the saw chain chart from bailey's then paste it on quarter inch plywood. Has your numbers for 3/8ths and 325 pitch. I am not making fun of you.i was hesitant when I started. When I need a chain the chart shows where to break the chain. I have a breaker, but use the bench grinder on the two rivets to break the chain. I dont kno if you reload ammo, that sense of accomplishment when I make my own. I cut firewood, and especially since helene come thru. Joe, will be expensive starting out , will be expensive a lot of one time buy and no more going to town to get a chain. I have 3/8ths and 325 .
Joe , is something to consider, and not belittling you, and wanting to help you . I bought most of my chain on Ebay , and at work. Think about this. There is also husqvarna chain,
Oregon, carlton chain and others. I have heard rumors of some chain being one side softer than other side. Joe , something to think about.
I messed up a few times . Joe , after breaking chain and riveting back together is a trick with the riveter.
I will help if to decide to, but consider this. The other chain brands are cheaper , I like stihl rapid super and Oregon brands. I thought of some else Madsen's has tons of Oregon chain and you can buy a roll and tell madsens the chain size like 325 pitch and 50 gauge drives and say 66 drive links for your chainsaw bar they make the chain for you for $1.00 per loop. They will ship it to you by credit card ,personal check or moneyorder . Joe this maybe easier. Madsens as any type of Oregon chain and they can tell you the best cutting chain for you saw
Joe , this was a later thought about Madsens was an after thought. This would be cheaper for you. They will make how many loops that is made from this 100 foot roll , you purchase from madsens at a good price. The will make it all. I hope this helps Joe. Think about this, Buck