So I got a little curious about the timing on my farmertec cyl, the more I thought about it, it could work. Scewy sounding #'s maybe not a f'k up, may just be that way by intentional design.
Need to know more, decided to just put it all together with what came in the box, everything. For now...
I did gut the muffler and open up the stock hole a bit.
Very minor cleanup on the ports, set the carb to a turn out on each and then a little squirt of fuel.
Caught me off guard and yanked the starter handle out of my hand on the first good tug. Comp feels healthy even with the gasket.
A couple more pulls and it fired, a couple more squirts/pulls/snorts after that and it was running on its own.
Didn't have time to put it in wood but did at least fire it up a few more times for a piss rev or two. Ran fine as it was other than an idle speed adjust.
Sounded pretty sporty, as much as I can tell with no bar/chain, hopefully will have time to make a few cuts in the morning...