Is 1 a short case 10mm?
Here is a short case large crank.
What are the case dimensions?Here is a short case large crank.
So, polly due to the flywheel?That’s what a short case poly 066 looks like
My '92 066 mag, redeyeNot sure on actual measurements.
Note oil cap to starter.
Oil tank size under exhaust.
So, polly due to the flywheel?
All the fws I have are AL but I have a lot more cases than wheels
I need to get to pressure washing ,lol
I wishHaven't been following so may have missed the main score inventory breakdown...,
Any ignition modules?
Pm sentHaven't been following so may have missed the main score inventory breakdown...,
Any ignition modules?
Gonna be a lot of extra stuff so let me know what you need
Would prefer trades...gonna need some early 066 parts.
P&C, flat top-no decomp, 1300 coil? I'll know more once I start compiling parts for buildsEarly parts like what?