Assembled the case with my HF heat gun, a hammer and the bolts. Was very pleased that both of the pre installed seals still look to be good.
I heat the bearing for the flywheel side first, and the crank just slips right in. The second side is always a little more difficult, but I think I have it down pretty good now. I can't heat the second bearing as much because it has a nylon race, but I get it warm and tap the case down till it starts on the case pins. Then I start the case bolts with the gun on a very light setting (I use a 5 setting on my DeWalt 18V). I do like a toque pattern, and occasionally tap with the hammer to free up any binding. I do the entire bolt pattern a bunch of times, and when it finally all comes together I raise the gun to a 10 setting and tighten them for the final time.
I then printed a picture of a degree wheel from the net, put a cardboard backing on it, then some closed cell foam with a tight hole in it to grip the crank. All low cost stuff, but it works for me. (Good enough for who it's for!). Hopefully this will be running before too long.