I went out to the shed to fill the saws. I thought I remembered to put two-stroke oil in the one big container, but I didn't have a positive recollection. No problem I thought, I'd just put some mix in a jar and compare it to a jar of straight petrol.
I couldn't tell the difference. - So I mixed up a batch at 33/1 (150cc oil to 5 litres fuel) and then checked them again - I still couldn't tell the difference. There was a bit of haze in the two-stroke mix, but not enough difference for my taste.
The oil I was using was a good CD rated oil (Binorm from the local Co-op) that I've been using for a while. However, after that experience, I want to find an oil that will tell me without any question that I have two-stroke oil in the mix.
The stuff I was using had a slight green tint to it, but when I mixed it with the red dyed petrol, the colour was neutralised. I've been using this stuff for about 6 months and it has been great oil, but now I want something that will tell me flat out that it is pre-mix.
Good Gawd, I would hate to post that I straight gassed one of my saws....
Perhaps it would be a good idea if everyone did a similar test with clear jars to make sure they can recognize their mix.
We can waffle on for hours about the 'best' oil, however they all work - but without the oil....