What are you going to be reporting?
1) lubrication in top and bottom end
2) piston crown appearance
3) power comparison
4) cut times of each oil
5) operating temps
I'm looking forward to your results. Thanks again.
14 chains per roll, numbered in sequence as they come off the roll. Chains grouped per oil in sequence they came off roll. gas bought on same day. have about 35-40 ratios so some how i'll fit 35-40 gallon jugs in my car all measured out exactly with my medical specimen cups (piss cups) on the oil.
bar - 36" tsumura cuz it's most consistent on time out of all the bars I tested with varying pressures applied.
Chain stihl RS .404 7pin - cuz that is what feels the best for testing. Tree Monkey and I tried 7 and 8 pin 404 chains and 3/8ths chains. When we ran 404 RS 7pin we both knew immediately that was the chain for the test.
Saw = ported - cuz will run hotter and stress the oil more. (if not hotter) I do think ported runs harder and will stress the oil more...I think everyone agrees a ported saw needs more oil.
gas - im working on that yet. I am going to test 5 different this friday I think. station 1 87e free vs 92 e free, station 2 91e free , station 3 89e free vs 91e free
wanting to test in 4 logs and do 2 cuts each as fast as possible between cuts...I want to heat up the saw. I want to see the times and I want to see the jug temp after the last cut.
wanting to have 2-3 operators to get multi opinions. tester 1 on log 1 and 2, hand off to tester 2 on log 3, hand off to tester 3 on log 4.
hoping out of the 12 - we get 3-4 clear winners in times and temps.
I will run each of those for 10 tanks and tear down the saw to see how it looks inside.