But that grey stuff is not bio-degradable! You need to spend MORE on the green bottle Stihl BioPlus bar oil which is $19.47 a gallon DSP:
Made from a vegetable oil base, STIHL BioPlus[emoji769] oil is the environmentally conscious way to keep your bar and chain lubricated. This bar and chain oil offers excellent flow characteristics, even at low temperatures, while remaining less harmful to humans and the environment when compared to traditional oils. BioPlus[emoji769] oil is also highly biodegradable, degrading by 93.8% in only 21 days, as rated by the Coordinating European Council. It’s the ideal balance of preservation and performance for green-minded users.
My Wally World canola oil is 100% biodegradable and completely harmless. It goes good on salads and for cooking french fries. The dog also likes my leaky Stihl oil flippy caps (please spill some oil, please spill some oil, please spill some oil!). Some varnish has actually built up using the Canola on the bars (that may be from using used canola french fryer oil though). Comes off with a swipe of a rag with some solvent on it. That only seems to come from bar heat though and the oil tanks and chains are clean. Its thinner than regular bar oil but I never run out even with my oily-matic settings on high.
BTW, best I can do here for regular bar oil is $9.99 a gallon. Its a rip off around these parts.