emailed andrew at belray regarding that test... sounds like it's very well known that the dude that did the test and the test it self was bogus.
ever see this test? I know it’s snowmobile stuff. But it’s interesting. The RPM break down # is interesting to me. How would you test that?
Haha that brings back some fond memories. “The Chemist” as he was called was a complete hack. He was a fake through and through and his testing was total BS. He claimed he had a microscope that he could use to not only see individual molecules but to also measure molecule size and differentiate between synthetic and petroleum molecules by looking at them.
He also would never provide any proof of his numbers or how his testing was actually done. After only about a week or two or people questioning his methods and asking for proof, he basically ran away and no one has heard from him since. His best evidence of the legitimacy of his testing apparatus (which were all homemade by the way) was that his cousin who worked at NASA helped him to build it. If you look into him and his testing, especially on, you’ll find references to him and his “testing”.
Sorry to burst your bubble on what you probably thought was a good reference, but all signs pointed to it being complete BS back then and no new information ever came about to change anyone’s mind since then.
Supposedly the RPM breakdown was the RPM at which the oil’s viscosity would breakdown. He claimed some sort of software calculated it during the test, although I have no earthly idea how he could have managed to take samples, measure or control the machine in such a test.
AndrewHodges, OMA I
Product Line Manager, Powersports Division | Bel-Ray Company, LLC