High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

What oil is best? and what ratio?


Here For The Long Haul!
Local time
1:54 AM
User ID
Jan 18, 2016
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Oil economy becomes an issue when you are burning 10-25 gallons of fuel in a day.
Wow that's a lot of fuel I'm guessing that's a business with a crew of men running 2T gear..
I personally would never believe a boss man crying poor they can't afford 2T oil in the timber industry lol what at .00000000001 of running cost and all, considering a TimberJack skidder can drink a 44 drum of diesel on an easy day.. Hard for me to imagine a boss in the timber industry say ok fellas that's it pull up we done got no more money left y'all burning too much 2T oil!
Not much hand cutting going on anymore here its all done with havesters and that's hardwoods, softwoods have been havesters forever ask a cutter to fell limb a pine tree you would get a black eye lol, but really here if cutting crews are using up 2T at a rapid rate boss man would be all smiles chit is getting done and he be making good money! he would buy everyone a carton of beer or give em a bonus for the day. One truck load of hardwood logs can go for depending on the timber for like 8-10k mill logs a good cutter can cut a few loads a day just saying...
But true I could imagine some hopeless doggy should never have got into the timber game bosses going under over the cost of the 2T oil but that's funny as seriesly! lol..

One thing I do find odd in Australia when it comes to 2T oils well from some the forum ''professionals'' is how they go on and on about blah blah the cost of 2t oil and their margins are so close that like 1 dollar more of 2T oil a day would send em under WTF? must be bidding that low just to get the job or some chit?.. But what gets me is you never hear them talk about bar oil? here not that I personally have ever seen cutters in the bush actually use bar oil from the ''saw shop'' but I bet the forum ''professionals'' use bar oil from the saw shop?... Just for some cheap Husky bar oil it's like $30 yeah for 4L and rip off Stihl bar oil you can get bargains like $17.50 for 1L lol. An 880 holds 700ml run one all day see how much bar oil it uses! yet 20 cents a tank for 2T oil in the fuel is extremely costly! funny stuff what planet are we on again lol...

Now none of what I said is directed at guys running saws for fun/heating there homes with firewood or milling or just running saw's as one there hobbies run whatever you like when it come to oil its not like you need 200L a year its nothing ,you are the guys that make chainsaw forums worth visiting anyway the real cutters I've meet over the years out bush are nothing like the head swollen twats that get on the forums (not all them) AS seems to be the home of em you know the ones getting up people for not owning a 200k skidder to pull there firewood logs out the bush! and the good old how dare you own a saw you dont cut 50 billion feet of the last standing old growth on the planet like Muh a week! funny stuff twats for the world to see lol..


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
10:54 AM
User ID
Jan 12, 2016
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Wow that's a lot of fuel I'm guessing that's a business with a crew of men running 2T gear..
I personally would never believe a boss man crying poor they can't afford 2T oil in the timber industry lol what at .00000000001 of running cost and all, considering a TimberJack skidder can drink a 44 drum of diesel on an easy day.. Hard for me to imagine a boss in the timber industry say ok fellas that's it pull up we done got no more money left y'all burning too much 2T oil!
Not much hand cutting going on anymore here its all done with havesters and that's hardwoods, softwoods have been havesters forever ask a cutter to fell limb a pine tree you would get a black eye lol, but really here if cutting crews are using up 2T at a rapid rate boss man would be all smiles chit is getting done and he be making good money! he would buy everyone a carton of beer or give em a bonus for the day. One truck load of hardwood logs can go for depending on the timber for like 8-10k mill logs a good cutter can cut a few loads a day just saying...
But true I could imagine some hopeless doggy should never have got into the timber game bosses going under over the cost of the 2T oil but that's funny as seriesly! lol..

One thing I do find odd in Australia when it comes to 2T oils well from some the forum ''professionals'' is how they go on and on about blah blah the cost of 2t oil and their margins are so close that like 1 dollar more of 2T oil a day would send em under WTF? must be bidding that low just to get the job or some chit?.. But what gets me is you never hear them talk about bar oil? here not that I personally have ever seen cutters in the bush actually use bar oil from the ''saw shop'' but I bet the forum ''professionals'' use bar oil from the saw shop?... Just for some cheap Husky bar oil it's like $30 yeah for 4L and rip off Stihl bar oil you can get bargains like $17.50 for 1L lol. An 880 holds 700ml run one all day see how much bar oil it uses! yet 20 cents a tank for 2T oil in the fuel is extremely costly! funny stuff what planet are we on again lol...

Now none of what I said is directed at guys running saws for fun/heating there homes with firewood or milling or just running saw's as one there hobbies run whatever you like when it come to oil its not like you need 200L a year its nothing ,you are the guys that make chainsaw forums worth visiting anyway the real cutters I've meet over the years out bush are nothing like the head swollen twats that get on the forums (not all them) AS seems to be the home of em you know the ones getting up people for not owning a 200k skidder to pull there firewood logs out the bush! and the good old how dare you own a saw you dont cut 50 billion feet of the last standing old growth on the planet like Muh a week! funny stuff twats for the world to see lol..
The comment was in regards to snowmobiles....