So did those screws rattle lose while pissing too?
I've never had a problem with Oregon bars or chains .Of course I don't own any what you might call brand new ones .Conversely I have some Stihl bars that need a trip through a belt sander .Used by a tree service which might explain things .
I used a 1/8" bit as that was close to the size on an older bar I have. Not sure what the outcome as far as oiling will be as it was darn cold today and I felt like I was coming down with a bug so I didn't fire the saw up.
I stuck a piece of sheet metal in the bar groove so I didn't go too far and got rid of any burrs inside the groove.
I did use a little stone on a dremel type grinder to open the hole slot a bit so the drill didn't snag. I don't think it was necessary as the steel is so soft.
I've been gathering most of my firewood which has been dead white ash. The wood is very dry so some dust when cutting is the norm and little oil holes like this one plug fast.
I will let you know if it helped any after I run it.
Before and after pics
As made
View attachment 53038
Drilled out to 1/8"
View attachment 53036
Everyone here have some nice saws. Mine don't seem to stay nice for very long! On my 660,I needed more oil,so I bought the high output bolt and gear . Do the bolt and gear parts put out as much oil as the complete high output pump?New to me 441 I rebuilt. Almost there, waiting on some more parts. View attachment 55943
YesEveryone here have some nice saws. Mine don't seem to stay nice for very long! On my 660,I needed more oil,so I bought the high output bolt and gear . Do the bolt and gear parts put out as much oil as the complete high output pump?
Heres me 038 on display with her new spikes.
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