Today was to be a day of testing flatback fuel pump diaphragms that a fellow member is making. I selected a 440 as the test platform since I knew it was fully functional last time I had it out...turns out that was a few years ago so I first spent about 4-1/2 hours getting a reliable spark back. Everthing tested fine but it would spark once then nothing...clean the points again and one spark then nothing. Finally I noticed what appeared to be a small pit in each of the points and liquid oozing out (I always clean them the carburetor cleaner after emery and plain paper). I replaced the points & condenser and had a great spark...then I noticed the flywheel key laying on the bench. Back apart again, replace they key, one spark then nothing... Apart again and I noticed the stop switch wire I'd disconnected was shorting the lead from the points...
Finally got the saw running with the original diaphragms and the oiler wouldn't work. I know it was working previously as I have photographic of the work I did on it when I first brought it home. Hard to believe that leaving it setting for 13 years would cause the oiler to stop working.
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I tried to pressurize the oil tank while pumping the manual oiler (not easy with the generous oil tank vent) and finally got it to go and made my first test cut.
Switched out the OEM fuel pump diaphragm for one of Jeff's with 0.020" thick rubber and once I got the fuel system primed it would run, cut, even the automatic oil pump started working.
Two more diaphragms to test tomorrow, hopefully it will be downhill from here. Once the testing is done this saw will get a good cleanup and moved into the display.
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I'll add some photos of the diaphragms when the testing is done.