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The kindest words I can muster for JMS...

tree monkey

Mastermind Approved!
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5:52 AM
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Dec 14, 2015
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huh, that's what ted said about you too:)


Super OPE Member
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5:52 AM
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Jan 18, 2016
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N Illinois
I have been following this cluster flux of Jason Stratton for some time now, granted I do not know the man from Adam or Any other swinging stick, but I will add my opinion. He is lacking traits of being a man.

Justice, judgement, dependability, initiative, decisiveness, tact, endurance, bearing, unselfishness, courage, knowledge, loyalty, and enthusiasm. The biggest is integrity.

All my view from the outside.

Members here have made it a mission to make sure no other members are taken advantage of !!
I tip my hat to those that have stepped forward to make a complaint and tell their side of the story. And for mastermind for letting this cluster flux sheet the bed.

Many good saw builders Mastermind, tree monkey, blsnelling, and many others post knowledge and always keep me intrigued.

And just think I don't own a ported saw !!


Running Saws for Therapy
Local time
6:52 AM
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Jan 6, 2016
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Lancaster, MA
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My spidey senses went haywire the first time Scott Kunz called him out. I had never seen Scott do that before, I got the feeling he had bit down hard enough that his teeth could stand no more. I thought surely Scott musta been in one of his saws(transactions) and Jason needed a beat down. Sure there were stories I had "heard" but I really wanted to believe otherwise. Sometimes we truly want to find the good in people....and can't .
Best to just avoid them.

Hey Angelo -- what you've said here are my same thoughts. I wanted to believe otherwise also and try to find the good. What a bummer.


Running Saws for Therapy
Local time
6:52 AM
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Jan 6, 2016
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Lancaster, MA
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You're probably right.......

Strangely, he's used 290 different IP addresses while posting here.

Hey Randy -- I know phones can change IP addresses a lot more often than say a cable modem at a house. When I login to servers I maintain from my phone w/ and SSH client, I've notice quite the plethora of different IP addresses my phone can have.



Running Saws for Therapy
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6:52 AM
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Jan 6, 2016
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Lancaster, MA
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Has to be something to do with using a cell phone to post.

And I saw this post after I sent mine explaining how phone IP addrs can change on the LTE network quite often... LOL.
Move on... nothing to see here...


Running Saws for Therapy
Local time
6:52 AM
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Jan 6, 2016
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Lancaster, MA
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An IP address is the unique address your device is addressable world wide on the internet. There are two versions IPv4 and IPv6 since the world is running out of IPv4 addresses since there are more and more allocated all the time (think "Internet of things" putting everything these days on the internet, they all need a unique IP or in the case of a home network at least one unique IP to stand in for all of the devices behind your router and NAT (network address translation) allows mutliple devices to use the one IP your ISP gives you). Internet providers (Verizon wireless if it is your phone, your cable provider if it's a cable modem) assign you IP address dynamically to you and you have no control over that. So no one can "use a different IP" by choice unless the they are using a VPN to hit the public internet elsewhere or jumping around to different networks like wifi hotspots at mcdonalds, coffee shop, or even trying to use your neighbors network. Typically when you get an IP address on a cable modem via DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) you get the same one you've had in the past since they are "leased" out for a period before you have to renew (and typically still get the same one). On LTE networks for phones, your address changes much more often as you move around to different parts of the cellular provider's network, and if your address changes while uploading or downloading something it will get interrupted -- but most services like youtube can get going again and avoid interruption by having enough video buffered. Usually you won't notice just browsing forums and such, but watching a video stream for instance you will get at least a brief stream interruption if your IP changes -- so most of the time as your roam the LTE network your address will stay with you, but if you fall off the LTE network and come back or if the provider is using different IP blocks they own for different parts of the network, you can easily get a different address. But in the end your device at home or your phone will have a world-wide publicly routable IP address that is unique to you!

Trying not to go too deep here. I've worked on devices for years that carry IP traffic and enjoy mucking around with networks -- it's just what I do and it's a hobby too. Back to saws!!!

Oh -- one last interesting fact -- an IPv4 address is a 32 bit number usually written as 4 numbers 8 bits each separated by dots i.e. Each of the 4 can be the range 0 to 255 (min and max for 8 bits in binary). There are 2^32 unique IPv4 addresses so 4,294,967,296 are avialable in the IPv4 address space.

I could go on and on in many different directions of detail but will spare you guys... ;)


Here For The Long Haul!
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6:52 AM
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Feb 8, 2016
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Blossvale NY
I use a VPN service and IP addresses can change for me at any time I want. I use it to protect myself from prying eyes, my isp selling my browsing info to third parties, and because I stream all my TV now. The VPN service makes any device you are running it on un-traceable.

Frank bierce

Here For The Long Haul!
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3:52 AM
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Dec 24, 2015
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An IP address is the unique address your device is addressable world wide on the internet. There are two versions IPv4 and IPv6 since the world is running out of IPv4 addresses since there are more and more allocated all the time (think "Internet of things" putting everything these days on the internet, they all need a unique IP or in the case of a home network at least one unique IP to stand in for all of the devices behind your router and NAT (network address translation) allows mutliple devices to use the one IP your ISP gives you). Internet providers (Verizon wireless if it is your phone, your cable provider if it's a cable modem) assign you IP address dynamically to you and you have no control over that. So no one can "use a different IP" by choice unless the they are using a VPN to hit the public internet elsewhere or jumping around to different networks like wifi hotspots at mcdonalds, coffee shop, or even trying to use your neighbors network. Typically when you get an IP address on a cable modem via DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) you get the same one you've had in the past since they are "leased" out for a period before you have to renew (and typically still get the same one). On LTE networks for phones, your address changes much more often as you move around to different parts of the cellular provider's network, and if your address changes while uploading or downloading something it will get interrupted -- but most services like youtube can get going again and avoid interruption by having enough video buffered. Usually you won't notice just browsing forums and such, but watching a video stream for instance you will get at least a brief stream interruption if your IP changes -- so most of the time as your roam the LTE network your address will stay with you, but if you fall off the LTE network and come back or if the provider is using different IP blocks they own for different parts of the network, you can easily get a different address. But in the end your device at home or your phone will have a world-wide publicly routable IP address that is unique to you!

Trying not to go too deep here. I've worked on devices for years that carry IP traffic and enjoy mucking around with networks -- it's just what I do and it's a hobby too. Back to saws!!!

Oh -- one last interesting fact -- an IPv4 address is a 32 bit number usually written as 4 numbers 8 bits each separated by dots i.e. Each of the 4 can be the range 0 to 255 (min and max for 8 bits in binary). There are 2^32 unique IPv4 addresses so 4,294,967,296 are avialable in the IPv4 address space.

I could go on and on in many different directions of detail but will spare you guys... ;)


O.P.E.f.o.r.u.m. Mutt
Local time
4:52 AM
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Apr 1, 2016
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Been following this JMS thing for a while now. As I read through some of the comments in this thread, I can't help but be reminded of where I was when searching for a builder for the first time. I had no past experience with this sort of thing as I'm just your average wood cutter.

I don't have a large network of friends on the wood forums (nearly zero), so I reached out by private message to different members asking questions about the various builders. I was nervous how the whole process worked and wanted to up my odds that the builder I picked would be honest and good at what he does.

One member tried to steer me away from @Mastermind saying he was overrated, expensive, etc. This member was really belligerent when discussing Randy. He agreed that Randy did quality work but emphasized that others did quality work as well and for less money. It was almost like he was resentful how much "positive press" Randy was always receiving.

I read every pertinent thread I could get my hands on and talked to as many different people as I could through private message. In the end, I narrowed my choices down to two people. One I eliminated not because he wasn't honest or good at what he did but rather because I felt he was an arrogant A-hole (and a hypocrite). My money went to Randy because (from what I gathered) he was down to earth, honest, and did quality work. I've never regretted that decision.

Oh, and one more thing...the person I mentioned that was belligerent when discussing Randy: He has posted in this thread more than once...and he owns a JMS saw;). Funny how things work sometimes, ain't it.
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