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Stihl M-Tronic Version 3.0


Pinnacle OPE Member
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The version numbers refer to the M-tron control module firmware, not which clutch cover or other production changes are introduced during model feature revisions. The MS261C-M model evolution "versions" shouldn't be confused with which version of M-tron software is in the ECM of a given saw.

That's typically where it will be found on domestic saws according to a tech note I've seen somewhere (along with seeing them there personally). It may be in different locations on different models depending on where the "emissions label" and "material number" is located, though there would be no surprise with Stihl changing locations depending on which way the wind is blowing on a given day.

The M-tron version number being on the sticker began with v2.1 of the software which was the first version to use the calibration procedure vs. the earlier "reset" procedure for initially setting up the saw or otherwise re-establishing optimum operational parameters in the event of performance issues or major component replacement. An M-tron saw without a version number on the sticker is presumed to be pre-v2.1 (pre-v3.0 here) and requires the "reset' procedure vs. the calibration procedure. According to everything I've read, there were never any v2.x M-tron saws distributed here and we went directly from v1.1 to v3.0 firmware. As mentioned, that can probably be debated on the basis of subtle ECM firmware tweaks along the way, but public domestic version numbers in the states do not include v2.x implementations. That is probably irrelevant. LOL

Sure you will. Not common, and not on a new saw these days, but v3.0 firmware coils were available early on as upgrades for v1.0 and v1.1 coils on MS661's that still had black solenoids. I believe that upgrade may have migrated to 441's as well, but have no direct experience there. In other words, the solenoid doesn't determine (or care about) the version of M-tron software on a given saw. Some just work better than others. There were several black solenoid modifications along the way that were applied to any/all of the different versions of M-tron software/firmware in the field including early v3.0 implementations. They simply appear to have finally gotten it right with the white one and the finer pickup bodies. That said, if I had a v3.0 saw with a white solenoid that went south on me and a new black solenoid on the shelf, I'd hafta think long and hard about spendin' 80 bux for another white one until the spare black one went bad too..., even though Stihl claims they're not interchangeable. They are. (I understand their desire for conformity, but I understand my desire for practicality better.) They'll also tell you to replace a black solenoid with another black solenoid (which is known to be inferior to the white solenoids) because they have a million of em sitting on shelves and want to get rid of em at 40 bux a pop.

Sorry for getting so long winded here..., and back to the original point.

If there's no v3.0 designation on the sticker, the gen 1 and gen 2 model 261's are either M-tronic v.1.0 or v.1.1 firmware.

Apples and oranges between model changes and firmware versions.

Well actually the M3.0 started integrating at 2017 on the 362 really revised update with slant fin jug that seems to act as a "mulle" for the 400cm.
Soon 462 also became the first m3.0 straight from factory and the 661 became m3 during June 2018 cause i own a July2018 m3 white filtered 661. 2019 was the year all other models followed i have a 201 waiting for me which is m3
And the 261 seems to be the last of the moicans though they were announced from 2019 that all mtronic saws folloing the 2019 regulation were turning to m3.

i have 661v2.0 and 661v3.0
I believe v2.0 is better not so fat and really works with port works

also have 2 261s v2.0 ported. Never ever had solenoid problems whatsoever and one of them along with 661 was cutting for months the burned trees from the huge fire in my country.


Active OPE Member
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Long time lurker, first time poster...

Has anyone upgrade a 362CM from the older solenoid / coil to the V3 versions? I have a 362 that was bought in 2017 with the facelift and 45* cooling fins, but the fuel filter isn't the new orange version, it has the black solenoid and the coil is 4705 B. I have seen an upgrade kit for the 661, but didn't know if the same was available for the 362.

I haven't had any major issues with my current set up, but do occasional have problems with hot starts. I also jump between sawing at 2000' and 6000' on a regular basis.


Mastermind Approved!
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Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy the "nuthouse"!!!

If you are not having any major issues, I would leave it alone, although I did sell my 362 Ver I to get a 462 :-)

Usually M Tonic saws start well, but on occasion … with any version … things can go wrong, and if you flood it there is no "fast idle" position. Having someone hold the trigger down while pulling the cord in the run position often resolves the issue rapidly.


Chief Cat Herder
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Long time lurker, first time poster...

Has anyone upgrade a 362CM from the older solenoid / coil to the V3 versions? I have a 362 that was bought in 2017 with the facelift and 45* cooling fins, but the fuel filter isn't the new orange version, it has the black solenoid and the coil is 4705 B. I have seen an upgrade kit for the 661, but didn't know if the same was available for the 362.

I haven't had any major issues with my current set up, but do occasional have problems with hot starts. I also jump between sawing at 2000' and 6000' on a regular basis.

There might be an upgrade kit. @Cobby08 ?


Muh fingers look really big
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Dec 31, 2015
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Long time lurker, first time poster...

Has anyone upgrade a 362CM from the older solenoid / coil to the V3 versions? I have a 362 that was bought in 2017 with the facelift and 45* cooling fins, but the fuel filter isn't the new orange version, it has the black solenoid and the coil is 4705 B. I have seen an upgrade kit for the 661, but didn't know if the same was available for the 362.

I haven't had any major issues with my current set up, but do occasional have problems with hot starts. I also jump between sawing at 2000' and 6000' on a regular basis.


Active OPE Member
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Aug 18, 2020
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Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy the "nuthouse"!!!

If you are not having any major issues, I would leave it alone, although I did sell my 362 Ver I to get a 462 :)

Usually M Tonic saws start well, but on occasion … with any version … things can go wrong, and if you flood it there is no "fast idle" position. Having someone hold the trigger down while pulling the cord in the run position often resolves the issue rapidly.

Appreciate the welcome. I have followed long enough to know what I was getting into. ;-)

I totally get the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach and agree that is probably best. But, that doesn't mean I don't still like to tinker and upgrade where I can. Probably not something I will do immediately, but I do like to know what my options are.

Is there any reason to not go ahead and upgrade to the new fuel filter?

Overall, I have been very impressed with the m-tronic system. I bought the saw used but with with low hours. When I first contact the guy, he said it was the older non CM version. When I got there I was initially disappointed it had the electronic carb, but seeing it start up and run well on the first pull, I decided to give it a shot. Certainly haven't regretted it given how often I change elevation.

The only time I have had flooding issues is when I was doing a lot of quick cuts followed by shut down. She didn't seem to like going all out for a minute and then being shut down and restarted a few minutes later. I will keep the full throttle run start in mind next time I encounter it.

Thanks for the reply.


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Muh fingers look really big
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Dec 31, 2015
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East Jordan, MI
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Ahh thanks! I hadn't seen that thread before. Guess I need to work on my search-fu skills.

I didn't realize you could switch to the white solenoid without also upgrading the coil.

Which unit has the firmware in it that allows you to do the re-calibration that V3 brings instead of just the reset that the older M-tronic versions offered?
I’m not sure if there is a V3 coil yet on the 362. But I’m not all that read up on it. But I do know that some dealers say that you can’t put the white solenoid on the older saws, but there have been lots of guys who have done it with success

RI Chevy

Mastermind Approved!
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You may also want to try to let saw idle for about 10 seconds prior to shutting it down. Some have said its good for mtronic carbed saws. Might help on restarts. Worth a shot.


Pinnacle OPE Member
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The orange filters are pretty much standard across the board now.

Any v3.0 "upgrade kit" provided by Stihl would also need to include a carb and cylinder since they specify the white solenoid only be used with the corresponding carb, ECM, and related v3.0 components ..., which would obviously make it cost prohibitive compared to their $117.00 v3.0 upgrade kit for the 661 which includes the ECM, solenoid, and orange filter as direct replacement parts using an existing WJ-134 carb and related M-tron components. There are also differences in the air valve housing and linkage lever between the v1.1 and v3.o carbs on the 362 that would need to be taken into consideration if going to the trouble of swapping carbs for a v3.0 upgrade.

While some claim to be using a white 5104 solenoid on v1.1 362's, (and they will certainly fit), there could indeed be a performance hit in doing so with a v1.1 control unit and carb since v.3 firmware is optimized for the combination of improvements introduced to the 362 beginning with serial number 1 83 609 631. This not only includes the carb and related details there, but also the cylinder and different spark plug. A white solenoid on a v1.1 362 may not optimize the air/fuel mix at high RPMs due to several factors, not the least of which are differences in the mechanical efficiency of the metal disc in the 5104 solenoid vs. the plastic one in the 5110. Field testing with a MDG1 setup could provide some interesting data there. (I'll take a SWAG Stihl has already done that in a lab somewhere.)

Another reason to stick with a 5110 solenoid in v1.1 setups is the price -- $40 compared to $85 for a 5104.

I'd buy a couple 5110's for the shelf while they're still 40 bux and leave well enough alone otherwise. You'll get plenty of mileage out of that saw as a v1.1 and probably never know the difference.

But hey, tinker away!
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Pinnacle OPE Member
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Apr 23, 2016
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Had my solenoid part numbers all over the place. I think they're correct now! Sorry.

DND 9000

Pinnacle OPE Member
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I know of a guy here in Germany who had a 362 C-M rebuilt after an accident. He had a wrong control unit and carburetor combination in it after the rebuilt. The carb was a new one with the white solenoid valve and the control unit was a old one. The saw ran at idle but full throttle was really poor and struggling with no power. I told him the right components and he changed the control unit to the new on and the saw was fine. So this shows that the carb with white valve does not automatically work with every older control unit, even if guys here or on the other site say that. Keep it simple and stick with that what Stihl recomends.