@RI Chevy Jeff I'm J E A L O U S that you were out cuttin' today and I was behind a desk THINKING about being out cuttin... damn you!
Looks great -- it's a lot of fun when you bring more than one saw to a job and have a ball running your toys.
Also great when you can do a favor for a friend and scratch the itch to run some saws.
If I was free today and knew you were at it I'd a brought the murder 346 to join the Mofo 026 and see what the hell flies! A little Stihl / Husky swordfight w/ those two. I would put my money on the mofo though... the murder 346 is an OE w/ NE OEM top end and muff mod plus rebuild of seals / lines etc. by nmurph (Neal Murphy -- haven't seen him on OPE and I think he's gotten quite scarce on AS. Great guy). No port work but she's a little pisser of a 346 nonetheless.
440 does seem grabby especially when felling that tree. I'm no expert by any means, but from watching your vid it looked like you may have had some binding happening from when the saw was turned on a 45 toward upside-down to cut your notch -- the source of the binding might be force on the powerhead perpendicular to the cut (like bar wagging back and fourth metronome like). I'm thinking if you used your dog and rotated on it for that cut and the straight part of your face cut to complete the notch you might have avoided some of the "wiggle" that was going on there... not sure though as I said I'm no tree fellin wiz... just a tree fellin futz...
Still jealous... hold on while I go fire up a saw and catch a wiff of some klotz exhaust so I can keep calm and focus on saws...
If I'm lucky on Friday I may be heading to NH to help a co-worker with a bunch of oaks at his new property. He's using my 350 right now and pretty excited about the saw.
Enjoyed the vids. Keep 'em comin!