Whilst I don’t watch BBR, and I’ve had my personal breakfast sammich eaten by Matty ……… I feel the need to comment on this whole situation. There’s lots to be said about Matty organizing the saw and all its parts & work, sending it to a somewhat thankful BBR, I watched the whole video, and asking him to run it, I think BBR could have shown more gratitude for the whole world to see. He’s been blown away by an axe, the saw gift should have rocked his world.
That being said, his 394 seems to be on lots of his videos, sounds the same in a bunch of them and he’s already stated that it’s been worked over. He does disguise this “small detail” in the video Matty linked, actually lies about it, if you ask me. Should have played it up since Matty boasted about that 288 taking its lunch, but my main question, especially since I can easily tell that his 394 aint stock, is this ……….
What was Matty thinking???
Before you get ahead of yourself and dig that hole, a worked 394 is one helluva saw to try getting over on !!
Maybe Mattyo’s intended SLAP actually did the trick it was designed for, by grabbing BBR’s attention, but it’s definitely obvious that BBR took the low road in showcasing his very generous gift, and was decidedly intent on putting the custom Mattyo hightop (of which I have 4, thanks Matty) down, and minimizing that stout 288. There’s 100 ways to skin the cat, and he could have “shown his love” and “been nicer” towards the efforts of his newly acquired saw, like he preaches ……….
He took Mattys challenge and his 394 won.
I don’t know why anyone would think that BBR did something wrong
Could he have been nicer and shown much more gratitude ?? ABSOLUTELY !!
Learning how to win sometimes is harder than learning how to lose.
Great job on the 288, to all who was involved, BBR should have dedicated the video to showing his followers what leading by example is, and our resident dentist should be a little more careful about what he tries to “bite off” ………….