So I got two saws from an old timer down the street from me, as payment for cutting down a tree for him Btw I would have done it for zero dollars, but he insisted I needed to take them. Was just going to just give them away on here, but decided to add to my collection, with absolutely nothing nice lol, since I only have 4 saws.
My questions are in regard to the 295, that's the saw I'm working on first. It will fire on high idle but then when it spins up it kills itself. My thought was way top lean up top? Does any one have a good base setting on these carbs? Upon cursory glance, it doesn't look like the needles have any limiter caps. I see it's a walbro according to the specs online.
Second, does an old 46cc saw have as much compression as this thing does? The first time I tried to pull it over I thought the piston locked up on something.
Hoping someone here has experience with one of these even though they are a relatively cheap pos saw lol just kind of seemed like a fun project to me... idk?
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