I fixed this seized ms170 a few months ago.
While I had it apart thought I'd try something different for fun and sinence and stuffs.
For the guy's that freak out seeing something different and not the norm it's ok just breath look away and stop slow blinking you will be fine lol just Jk...
Anyways I thought it would be cool to test in my none scientific way the theory that a mirror polished exhaust port is the best as far as carban sticking to it and the like.
Well I pulled the muffler for a stickybeck today after running bout 15 to 20 (or more I wasn't counting) tanks of run time over the last few months.
I was hoping to get some indication of how things are going in there with carbon sticking and staining in the port but thanks to running wet sloppy synthetic bike oil that doesn't burn to well in saw's the last say 10 tanks of fuel it's only light staining so far but I can see a few thing's going on already.
I need to get some of me good dino oil that burns nice and clean in saw's and run it a few more months for better results.
Is just abit of fun will post more pics of how it's looking in few months.
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