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NSP2. Cuz PA WiFi sucks

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Aluminium Member
Local time
6:16 AM
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Jan 17, 2016
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Local guy a few miles from me died of covid.
My friend and his six co-workers
Have recovered from it and went back to work at constellium.
Hundreds of locals are waiting on test results.
People have went stupid with buying *s-word
Must be bored at home or something.
They travel constantly and take no precautions.
We were designated a hot spot last night.
So I believe that cuts it down to 2 per
1000 square ft. In stores.
No groups larger than 5 and road checks for essential travel only
Never saw this happening.
Hard to predict how many will get it or already have it and are spreading it.
Weather's bad now but when it's nice again I'm sure they'll be back on the road's.20200413_191944.jpg

Took one of my sister's to krogers
Well stocked with very few customers.
The panic buying has slowed people are buying
Electronics and outdoor equiptment and
Gardening supplies like crazy.


Mastermind Approved!
Local time
1:16 PM
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Mar 8, 2018
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Evia, Greece
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Mornin' Fellas! Warm one today...feels darn near like swimming weather...too bad it's forbidden. Fugg all the covids in whole entire world.

This is our new marketing poster for tourism. A lot of folks are going to be in deep doodoo if we don't come off of lockdown soon.

1 in 2 hoteliers is considering bankruptcy already. Gonna be a tough rest of the year for folks.



Aluminium Member
Local time
6:16 AM
User ID
Jan 17, 2016
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My ol’ hunting and fishing buddy, Jason, from the late 70’s/early 80’s. who passed last week...told his mother a little while back, and gave his mother my contact info...called me this morning. It was a humble deal on my end to talk with Ms. Agnes, who I haven’t seen in a few years. She told me to come get Jason’s 2006, Chevy Trailblazer. He wanted me to have it...for God only knows why. It’s an ‘06, 230K miles, in-line 4.2L 6. All the past services, oil changes, documentation, etc she provided. Jason was meticulous like that. Same as my anal self when it comes to those things.

Move forward about 8 hours., it runs like a sewing mchine..it sets in my driveway. It needed a decent bath, so I washed it with a decent wash/carnauba deal. It’s missing the door protectors on the driver’s side, but other than that, it’s good body-wise. I checked all the panel seams...it’s spot on. The interior is in great shape. I haven’t fooled with vacuuming it yet, I’ll get to this evening or tomorrow. It’s a clean ride.

Here’s the dilemma I have. I have no use for this Trailblazer...my Dodge Mega-Cab pulls everything I have, bass boat, camper just fine. Do I keep it just sitting on my driveway, or do I pass it along. It was passed along to me with ‘unfortunate circumstances.’ God rest my friends’ soul. My son, my daughter, and my ex all have SUV’s...they don’t need it. My brothers/sisters, nephews/nieces don’t need it either. They all have SUV’s as well. I’m gonna check with some extended family first...and if they say they don’t need it...I’m gonna cut it loose.

I want this ride to go to someone who needs it, a young family who might be struggling, etc...and I will not profit a single dime, much less a damn dollar on this at all. I know damn well my buddy Jason would agree. I know damn well he would...he’d give you the shirt off his back...and my Jarhead ass is the same way. I don’t need no dollar in this...you can call it hard-headed on my Marine ass...but I live by my pride...I’m gonna give this vehicle away. It’s what he would want. It would slap my ol’ buddy in the face if I did otherwise...I don’t need a dollar, profit that bad...where I can’t sleep at night. I got enough demons that crop upstairs at times...and I won’t add to that. I think my friend would be proud of my ol’ Jarhead ass! My buddy Jason was a good man...he *f-wordked up like all of us has, but he weathered the times as best he could. God rest your soul Jason Wilson...my friend!

The ride...

View attachment 235868
View attachment 235869
Keep it
Give the dodge away.


I'm here now !!!
Local time
6:16 AM
User ID
Apr 3, 2020
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Finally come across one. Patience paid off [emoji1360]
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