This carb mod had me baffled too, if you were running out of fuel while you were really cutting hard with the saw then why not open the the H jet instead of the L? I kinda understand your theory that if the L is larger it will draw a little bit more fuel through at WFO. But aren't they both regulated by needles and won't flow anymore than what those needles allow?
The carburettor is used to meter the fuel according to the air flow through it, that's the basic function of the carburettor. However, an engine will run within a wide range of air/fuel mixtures. Although the engine will run within a wide range of fuel mixtures, there is an OPTIMUM air/fuel mixture that will give the best power. An engine can run with a fairly lean mixture, but it won't make the power it can with a richer mixture.
When a two-stroke is running at a lower RPM there is greater time for the fuel mixture to escape the cylinder. The manufactures appear to have got around the EPA guidelines by LEANING out the mixtures at lower RPMs.
In answer to your question, there are TWO fuel curves in the carb. One fuel curve is the low speed circuit from the straight section of the carburettor. The other fuel curve, the high speed circuit, is from the main discharge nozzle in the venturi section. What we are doing is BLENDING the two fuel curves together to get the best air/fuel mixture we can for whatever the air flow is in the carb.
If you just open up the high speed needle, then the carb will run too rich higher in the RPM range.
By increasing the flow in the low speed circuit we can increase the torque of the engine as the RPM drops. However, we have to be able to meter the low speed circuit flow in order to get the saw to idle and to transition smoothly. The idle and transition is regulated by the metering diaphragm components.
The air bleed/transition holes provide air into the mixture at idle. The larger the holes are, the leaner the idle mixture is. On the Walbro, if you open up the low speed needle to get more flow from the low speed circuit, the idle mixture will also get richer, which can cause idling problems. However, you can lean out the idle mixture by increasing the size of one or both the air bleed/transition holes (thus the use of the 460 carb on the 039 - it has larger air bleed/transition holes than the stock carb). You can also use a much stronger metering spring to lean out the idle.
The use of the stronger metering spring should be the first approach to cleaning up the idle and transition. A Walbro metering spring kit has a good selection of springs to work from. If someone wants to try increasing the flow from the low speed circuit on their saw with a Walbro, I'd recommend they get a good selection of springs. They could always just start with the strongest spring in the kit and work down to see what spring will give them the best powerband with a good idle and transition. If the strongest spring doesn't allow them to open the low speed needle up far enough, then they will have to go into the carb, pull the welch plug and drill an air bleed/transition hole a bit larger. Then they will have to start over with testing the springs.