I have been doing a lot of reading and searching and find information supporting both sides of the camp saying fuel is and isn't delivered at high speed.
I cant find any definitive data to support either side so I am going to call it as "who knows"
We could all sit around and argue back and forth for years and never get anywhere.
At this stage, all I know for sure is that with the MS460 carb, the saw "felt" much stronger in the cut and I have about 30+ tanks of fuel through it over the last 6 months before I changed the carb.
I have also rebuilt the saw 10 tanks ago and am wondering if its just coincidence that its hit its run in peak...... once again, not sure
NOW..... The best way to solve this is to test the saw in the cut.
I dont plan to buy another MS460 carb so will use the carbs I have.
Seeing as the L circuit is controlled via a jet and the drilling of the tiny little L jet shouldn't hurt anything, I would like to end the debate on L circuit fuel or no fuel and start the testing of MS460 vs stock 039 carb.
Planning to work from home tomorrow and give the saw a run with both carbs.
It is going to piss the neighbors off but they will live. Its supposed to be 40 deg C tomorrow too
I plan to tune the 2 carbs to the same idle and WOT speed with the best throttle response I can get.
Both carbs are already set to the best I could get so will bolt them on, warm the saw up and check with my tacho.
Will be running fresh 98 octain at 40:1 with Stihl HP Ultra
20" Oregon pro lite bar, clean and dressed with Oregon 3/8 full comp, semi chisel chain that's done a tank or 2 of fuel and will be hand file sharpened before each test. Rakers still untouched. I may actually touch the rakers down to the stock .025 just to make sure the saw is loaded properly.
video will likely be done by one of my 12 year old kids so please excuse the non hollywood production