High Quality Chainsaw Bars Husqvarna Toys Hockfire Saws

Just purchased a 661, have a 660 did I do the right thing?

Ryan Browne

Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
6:54 PM
User ID
Sep 4, 2016
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Thank you sir.

Will do thanks for the tip.

Next year my son goes to school and we have a pro tree service guy in the department and I have already contacted him to see if I can go on some jobs with Him and help/learn. I've cut with him before and learned a lot but I have a long way to go.

Yes, learning from someone with lots of experience is a huge help. Of course, it helps if they actually have good safety habits, and use safe practices when working in the woods.

In many areas there are organizations that teach logging and chainsaw safety classes. In Northern Wisconsin we have FISTA, I'm not sure what's available in VA, but I found FISTA through our county forester. He highly recommended their program, even fit someone with a lot of time cutting wood. I took their class about 4 years ago, and it was the best $100 I ever spent. I had learned a few bad habits in my early chainsaw career, and after this class I feel like I am much more knowledgeable when it comes to running saws, felling trees, limbing and even just bucking firewood. Obviously, experience in the woods is important also, but learning some good techniques and getting some safety training is a great place to get started right. If there's any type of similar organization in your area (or anyone else's who's reading this for that matter) I highly recommend taking a class or two. I bet almost every single one of us would learn at least a thing or two from these guys.


Pinnacle OPE Member
Local time
7:54 PM
User ID
Mar 28, 2016
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Yes, learning from someone with lots of experience is a huge help. Of course, it helps if they actually have good safety habits, and use safe practices when working in the woods.

In many areas there are organizations that teach logging and chainsaw safety classes. In Northern Wisconsin we have FISTA, I'm not sure what's available in VA, but I found FISTA through our county forester. He highly recommended their program, even fit someone with a lot of time cutting wood. I took their class about 4 years ago, and it was the best $100 I ever spent. I had learned a few bad habits in my early chainsaw career, and after this class I feel like I am much more knowledgeable when it comes to running saws, felling trees, limbing and even just bucking firewood. Obviously, experience in the woods is important also, but learning some good techniques and getting some safety training is a great place to get started right. If there's any type of similar organization in your area (or anyone else's who's reading this for that matter) I highly recommend taking a class or two. I bet almost every single one of us would learn at least a thing or two from these guys.

I'd love to take a class like that. Have to look into it and see what we might have in VA.