Locust Cutter
Air Force Redneck
I may still find a way to make it out that way and take you up on your offer... I'm not scared by recoil, but I know what my limits are as well as my preferred delivery "style", if you will. I don't mind a big slow, almost black-powder like shove. A huge sharp jab sucks though. I'd rather shoot hot 310gr pills out of a .44 Mag than hot 220-240gr versions... That's why I like the .45 Colt in a SBH, SRH or similar build gun as it can be loaded down to gallery gun/pepper popper loads or up to 300+gr pills pushing some kinetic energy with penetration to spare. The .41 is just a neat cartridge though and I love it in Dad's Model 57. I just really like the heft and balance of the SRH and with a trigger job it's everything the Smith is and more.