You beat me, I sat on the couch most the day, then went out and took down an American elm, limbed it, bucked it and stacked it. Will pick it up later, probably not even a half cord. It is on the property of the elderly couple I was helping clear their pasture last year. There are some nice oaks and some hickory's I can have too.
I was given permission to take more oak blowdowns on the property where I just finished the big oak. The other blowdowns were given to somebody else,,,,the person came out and cut a load or so and then told the property owner he wanted to get paid for his work, LOL.
Also got another 4 nice size pecans and a hack berry to process. The owner had them taken down so they are just laying on the ground waiting for me to cut up, just leave the brush and limbs laying.
At this point I don't need anymore wood to cut for awhile; and I need to get to splitting. I wish there were 2 of me.