I went to our only saw shop yesterday to order some semi-chisel chains for charity cuts. The owner gives me a phone # to a guy who wants some land cleared, said he thought of me and has been holding the # for a week or 2. I call him and he lives real close to me. I go out and survey the area....looks like a honey hole of oak with a little hickory mixed in. A lot of tall straight trees so nothing huge. The problem is it is thick and somewhat hard to get to but definitely doable. He pointed to 4 large trees out in the open (2 oak and 2 hickory) and said I could have them,,,,,chaching. He said he is going to have it all bulldozed over to build a pond so I am starting tomorrow after work before the dozer starts, whenever that is. He said he will have the dozer keep the good stuff in a separate pile for me, that doesn't sound too promising but we will see.