Least the weather was better for that kind of work today.Sick of oak tree tops now.
Can’t tell ya how many loads of branches heavy with leaves I’ve hauled off at this point.
Did get a 16’ section of decent trunk out of this one. Bout 30” diameter..
Tom got er farmer welded on there.
Picked up a few logs with it.....works great.
View attachment 378448
Roger boss.Don’t let Thomas near it.
Morning everybody.
The house is totally gutted now except for the wall studs. All insulation is gone. All wiring gone including breaker panel. I’m guessing the next step is get the roof replaced. Hopefully that will start this week.How's the house rebuild coming along Mr. Steve? Everything going to plan so far?
Turns out the trip to the big city was totally unnecessary....
Picked up a rig right here in Gainesville yesterday.
It's a '97 with a 5sp manual, and 5.7 gas, 160k and no rust.View attachment 378576
Turns out the trip to the big city was totally unnecessary....
Picked up a rig right here in Gainesville yesterday.
It's a '97 with a 5sp manual, and 5.7 gas, 160k and no rust.View attachment 378576
Horrible monster....View attachment 378580
Finally got the top worked up, hauled off, and the stick down..
That’s a 562 with a 24” bar for reference..
Yes, it's definitely a good solid start.That rig is worth keeping and repairing as needed.
Not all can say that.