Morning folks. According to the weather barkers it’s supposed to cool off & rain tonight, tomorrow & maybe Sunday.
I leaned on Chase to spend some money on a new/better corn head yesterday. Either his snap rollers are junk, they drive too fast or the head is just junk, most of the stalks are 3’-4’ long, some still vertical & others laid over. They are just causing all kinds of chaos knocking drive chains off, tearing up the wiring on the row units & even somehow getting up in the feed tubes & plugging them up.
At least I don’t have to worry about not getting any exercise, I am in/out of the cab numerous times to reinstall chains, clean seed tubes out & fix wiring issues…
I got 114 acres done yesterday, I actually got 124 acres done Wednesday & to knock out about 100 today after I get a couple new chains & some proper electrical repairs done.